The Words of the Sutchar Family |
ACLC Eighth Anniversary Celebration
Bruce Sutchar
March 29,
Washington, DC
On Saturday, March 29th, the Washington, D.C., community came together for the ACLC Eighth Anniversary Banquet Celebration. The banquet had been put together under the leadership of District Director Randy Francis and under the guidance of Bishop Ki Hoon Kim, the National Chairman of the American Clergy Leadership Conference.
The event had been planned for several months. Bishop Joseph Showell, Senior Pastor of Gospel Ark Temple, and Rev. Ronald Brown, of the Christian Love Baptist Church, served as co-chairmen of the event. Meetings were held for several Tuesdays at either Bishop Showell’s Church or ACLC National Headquarters in preparation for this historic and important event.
The program opened with a series of prayers from the Women In Ministry, including Dr. Addie Robb, Rev. Angelika Selle, and Minister Reiko Jenkins. The beautiful banquet hall quickly filled to capacity, with nearly 300 guests in attendance.
Official greetings were offered by Rev. Randy Francis and Dr. Arnold Howard, the District One Co-Chairman for the ACLC. The audience was then given a delightful treat by the melodic offerings of Washington’s Japanese Community Choir accompanied by Mrs. Taeko Rothstein on piano.
Next Rev. Michael Jenkins, standing in for North American Chairman of the Universal Peace Federation, Dr. Chang Shik Yang, delivered national greetings to the assembly. The gathering was then entertained by an eloquent and beautiful liturgical dance performed by Ms. Jamiya Carter.
After a wonderful buffet lunch, ACLC Executive Board Committee Member Apostle Floyd Nelson, Vice-Presiding Bishop of the International Bible Way World Church, who had flown in specifically for the event from overseas, addressed the audience. We were then treated to a special presentation about the Youth Federation for World Peace.
As one of the highlights of the afternoon, ACLC National Chairman Bishop Ki Hoon Kim addressed the audience by presenting a wonderful and powerful brand new ACLC PowerPoint describing the history and the activities of the ACLC.
Next Rev. Levy Daugherty, former ACLC National Chairman, presented a thorough history of the ACLC. This was followed by a beautiful and creative video presentation entitled “Love in Action,” presented by Rev. Kevin McCarthy, the lead lecturer for the ACLC.
After another special musical presentation, this one performed by event Co-Chairman Bishop Joseph Showell’s Young People of Gospel Ark Temple, the entire assemblage gathered to pay tribute to the day’s special honorees. Rev. Debbie Taylor, Director of Outreach for the ACLC for many years, made her first public appearance since suffering a debilitating stroke nearly three years ago. Rev. Taylor was greeted to a loud standing ovation from the entire audience. She joyfully returned the loving greetings of so many who came forward to kiss and hug her. Her husband, Rev. Joseph Taylor, declared her healthy appearance at the event as nothing short of a miracle. The audience then gathered together to sing “Happy Birthday” to Rev. Taylor as a beautiful birthday cake was wheeled out for the celebration.
Immediately afterward, the afternoon’s other honoree, the Rev. Cleveland Sparrow, was introduced and honored for his many years of service and support to the ACLC.
As the program rolled along under the diligent guidance of the co-presiders, Archbishop C. Phillip Johnson and Pastor Adrien Bayo, Archbishop George Augustus Stallings, Jr. and Bishop Jesse Edwards, national cochairmen of the ACLC, offered special guest remarks.
Bishop Joseph Showell, then spoke about “A Time of Healing.”
Then Rev. Michael Jenkins introduced Rev. Paul A. Murray, Pastor of the Apostolic Lighthouse, as the Executive Director of the Global Peace Festival. Rev. Murray delivered an impassioned presentation concerning the upcoming Global Peace Festival on the Capitol Mall this coming August. Imam Muhammad Khan was also present to speak about the importance of unity between all leaders of faith in making the Global Peace Festival an absolute success.
Rev. Francis introduced Rev. Ronald Brown, pastor of the Christian Love Baptist Church, as the new President of the Greater Washington, D.C., ACLC chapter.
As Mrs. Nanae Goto offered a beautiful closing hymn, the program ended with great fanfare and joy as the members of the Greater Washington, D.C., chapter of ACLC celebrated this historic and wonderful reunion banquet.
The following Tuesday night Bishop Kim, Rev. Francis, and Rev. Joseph Taylor organized a coming-together meeting for the members of the greater Washington, D.C., community. This was a meeting to express gratitude and appreciation for all those members who had worked so hard to make the March 29th event a success. Over 70 members and several pastors attended the event. The group dined on a sumptuous Chinese dinner during which time several members gave inspired testimonies about their experiences at the March 29th banquet.
Once again tribute was paid to Rev. Debbie Taylor and her tireless efforts in helping to establish and grow the ACLC in the greater Washington metro area. In conclusion, the assembled members gave both inspired and often tearful testimonies as they remembered the work that has been done through the past eight years in developing the ACLC in Washington, D.C. The meeting ended with prayer, and a new commitment and determination by the members to develop the Greater Washington, D.C., Metro ACLC into the most exciting, energetic, and successful chapter in America.