The Words of the Sutchar Family

 Table of Contents

The Methodology of The Unification Church of Northern California - A Critical Evaluation (Bruce Sutchar - November 18, 1983 pdf)

Chicago Luncheon Seminar (Bruce Sutchar - April 10, 2003)

Youth Education Seminar (Bruce Sutchar - February 16, 2004)

Witnessing To High Level Leaders `(Bruce Sutchar - August, 2004)

A Trip to East Garden (Bruce Sutchar - May 2005)

ACLC Chicago Prayer Breakfast (Bruce Sutchar - December 20, 2005)

Chicago Celebrates Bishop Kim's 1st Birthday (Bruce Sutchar - January 8, 2006)

Pastors' Prayer Breakfast in Chicago (Bruce Sutchar - March 28, 2006)

ACLC Pastors' Prayer Breakfast (Bruce Sutchar - April 18, 2006)

ACLC May Prayer Breakfast - What If They Gave A Prayer Breakfast And No One Came (Bruce Sutchar - May 30, 2006)

Chicago June Prayer Breakfast (Bruce Sutchar - June 20, 2006)

Dr. Tyler Hendricks Comes To Chicago (Bruce Sutchar - August 19-21, 2006)

The Torch Is Passed On In Chicago (Bruce Sutchar - September 19, 2006)

UTS Educators Conference (Bruce Sutchar - October 23, 2006)

Chicago TFV Banquet Report (Bruce Sutchar - November 4, 2006)

Chicago Prayer Breakfast (Bruce Sutchar - December 19, 2006)

Freedom Writers Movie Review (Bruce Sutchar - January 15, 2007)

Report on Prayer Breakfast (Bruce Sutchar - January 25, 2007)

One Family under God – Aju! Hyun Jin Nim’s Victorious Tour Events in Chicago (Bruce Sutchar - January 29, 2007)

Testimony of One Family's Experience at the Chicago New Beginning Workshop (Bruce Sutchar - February 20, 2007)

ACLC Prayer Dinner in Washington, DC (Bruce Sutchar - March 16, 2007)

ACLC Eighth Anniversary Celebration (Bruce Sutchar - March 29, 2008)

The Power of Unity is the Central Theme of the August, 2008 ACLC Pastors’ Prayer Breakfast in Chicago (Bruce Sutchar - August 19, 2008)

Celebration Ceremony To Commemorate True Parents Substantial Resurrection (Bruce Sutchar - September 5, 2008)

Blizzards Didn't Keep Chicago Church from Lovin' Life on December 19-20 (Bruce Sutchar - December 20, 2009)

Retirement from the "You need a vacation" church (Bruce Sutchar - October 17, 2011)

In Memoriam: Rev. Alexander Isaiah Dunlap 1939-2012 (Bruce Sutchar and Doug Burton - December 13, 2012 pdf)

The Fate of the Elder Generation (Bruce Sutchar - March 29, 2013 pdf)

Growing Up Western in an Oriental Movement (Bruce Sutchar - April 5, 2013 pdf)

UTS and Me (Bruce Sutchar - April 21, 2013)

My Testimony to Natural Witnessing (Bruce Sutchar - May 1, 2013 pdf)

College Reunion (Bruce Sutchar - May 2, 2013 pdf)

Civil Rights Legends Found their Next Champion in Father Moon (Bruce Sutchar - July 17, 2013 pdf)

Is corruption synonymous with being ILL(INOIS)? (Bruce Sutchar - July 20, 2013 pdf)

Political Corruption and Thoughts on a Heavenly Constitution (Bruce Sutchar - July 22, 2013 pdf)

Applying the Divine Principle to Real Life (Bruce Sutchar - July 29, 2013 pdf)

Call for Applications for Pastor of Chicago Congregation (Bruce Sutchar - August 14, 2013 pdf)

Middle East Peace Initiative (MEPI) Reflections (Bruce Sutchar - August 16, 2013 pdf)

The Zealot" a book review (Bruce Sutchar - September 20, 2013 pdf)

Daley City - my kind of town (Bruce Sutchar - September 20, 2013 pdf)

Homeless, Don't Just Stop and Stare -- Say ‘Hello’ (Bruce Sutchar - October 3, 2013 pdf)

Captain Phillips a Movie Review (Bruce Sutchar - October 20, 2013 pdf)

Gay Marriage comes to Illinois (Bruce Sutchar - November 8, 2013 pdf)

Chicago American Leadership Conference and True Family Values Banquet (Bruce Sutchar - December 13-14, 2013 pdf)

Faith (Bruce Sutchar - December 19, 2013 pdf)

Faith and Giving (Bruce Sutchar - December 23, 2013 pdf)

Selfishness: The Greatest Challenge of the 21st Century (Bruce Sutchar - February 17, 2014 pdf)

Reflections on the Top Gun Reunion in Phoenix (Bruce Sutchar - February 28, 2014 pdf)

Growing Up Jewish (Bruce Sutchar - May 16, 2014 pdf)

Raising 5 Children in the Unification Church (Bruce Sutchar - June 1, 2014 pdf)

The Sin in the Garden of Eden and Where America Is Headed (Bruce Sutchar - June 23, 2014 pdf)

Jersey Boys (Bruce Sutchar - July 10, 2014 pdf)

Living for the Sake of Others (Bruce Sutchar - July 24, 2014 pdf)

Dr. Paul Swanson (Bruce Sutchar - August 15, 2014 pdf)

Mount Rushmore (Bruce Sutchar - August 28, 2014 pdf)

Anger and Our Modern World (Bruce Sutchar - September 1, 2014 pdf)

Living in the Fallen World (Bruce Sutchar - October 16, 2014 pdf)

An Open Letter to African-American Pastors (and everyone else) (Bruce Sutchar - November 6, 2014 pdf)

World Café (Bruce Sutchar - February 13, 2015 pdf)

A Personal Testimony of the Spiritual World (Bruce Sutchar - February 20, 2015 pdf)

Sticks and Stones (Bruce Sutchar - February 27, 2015 pdf)

The True Value of a College Education (Bruce Sutchar - March 9, 2015 pdf)

Bruce Sutchar Publishes His Autobiography: From Rogers Park to Hanover Park (March 12, 2015 pdf)

Film Review: “The Woman in Gold” (Bruce Sutchar - April 10, 2015 pdf)

We can change the world… rearrange the world (Bruce Sutchar - May 7, 2015 pdf)

Universal Peace Federation Illinois’ American Leadership Conference (Bruce Sutchar - June 20, 2015 pdf)

After UTS I Had Hope for America (Bruce Sutchar - June 27, 2015 pdf)

Chicago Unificationists Raise Money for Veterans (Bruce Sutchar - July 28, 2015 pdf)

Suit Your Self (Bruce Sutchar - August 20, 2015 pdf)

Rosenwald: movie review (Bruce Sutchar - September 11, 2015 pdf)

My reflection on USA in the time of the Vietnam War (Bruce Sutchar - October 15, 2015 pdf)

Families (Bruce Sutchar - November 6, 2015 pdf)

Follow up, follow up, and follow up (Bruce Sutchar - December 11, 2015 pdf)

Bullying (Bruce Sutchar - January 15, 2016 pdf)

Reflection on the Future (Bruce Sutchar - February 5, 2016 pdf)

UPF Illinois Celebrates Co-Founders’ Birthday (Bruce Sutchar - February 23, 2016 pdf)

Is God still Blessing America? (Bruce Sutchar - March 18, 2016 pdf)

Homelessness (Bruce Sutchar - May 13, 2016 pdf)

Selma - the movie (Bruce Sutchar - May 19, 2016 pdf)

Pastoring (Bruce Sutchar - July 8, 2016 pdf)

Actively and creatively build your Tribal Messiah ministry (Bruce Sutchar - July 19, 2016 pdf)

A book review: Real Love (Bruce Sutchar - July 22, 2016 pdf)

Universal Peace Federation of Illinois celebrates Parents’ Day in Chicago (Bruce Sutchar - August 5, 2016 pdf)

Absolute Values (Bruce Sutchar - August 26, 2016 pdf)

Voting (Bruce Sutchar - October 28, 2016 pdf)

Terrorism and Profiling (Bruce Sutchar - November 2, 2016 pdf)

Before I Fall - movie review (Bruce Sutchar - March 22, 2017 pdf)

Intergenerational Project Phoenix Brings Generations Together in Chicago (Bruce Sutchar - October 8, 2017 pdf)

Testimony: How I Transformed Witnessing Into Blessing (Bruce Sutchar - January 4, 2025 pdf)

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