The Words of the Wilson Family |
Pilgrimage March 30
Andrew Wilson
March 8, 2004
Brothers and sisters,
The next pilgrimage to Israel is only weeks away, and it is our hope that we can bring some rabbis with us. Attached is an invitation letter I prepared for Jewish and Muslim guests, to be used as an alternative to the ACLC invitation that's been sent around.
Any rabbis or other Jewish leaders who come on board can expect to be invited to some special meetings while the main group of Christian clergy is touring. Some of the places and people that Rev. Jenkins has taken us to see in the past include:
Majd el-Krum, an Israeli Arab village near Haifa, where the local grade school has a cooperative program with the school in the neighboring Jewish town of Karmiel.
Kafr Qasm, an Arab town near Tel Aviv whose leaders have overcome the resentment of a massacre that took place in 1948 and are now struggling for equal access to government services.
A meeting with leaders of the Iranian Jewish community.
Sharing with the daughters of a well-known artist of the Holocaust.
Lunch with PLO leaders in Gaza and Ramallah.
Meetings with peace activists
Meetings with members of the Kenesset.
I will pass on additional information about this trip as I learn more about it. Let's make this pilgrimage a real interfaith experience!
Dr. Wilson
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