The Words of the Wilson Family

 Table of Contents

Miracles and Tribulations at the Turn of the Age: Where we are Situated in World History (Andrew M. Wilson)

Salvation Questions and Answers (Andrew M. Wilson)

Can we have peace through war? (Andrew Wilson - January 1976 pdf)

Towards the Removal of Anti-Jewish Language from Divine Principle: A First Step (Andrew M. Wilson - March 15, 1980)

A Unification Position on the Jewish People (Andrew Wilson - March 1984)

World Professors' Lecture Tour of Korea and Japan (Andrew Wilson - October 1986)

Guidelines for Members of the Unification Church in Relations with the Jewish People (Andrew M. Wilson – circa 1987)

 Mapping Knowledge: The Unification Encyclopedia Project (Andrew M. Wilson - 1993)

The Rise of Christianity - A Sociologist Reconsiders History By Rodney Stark. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996 (Andrew Wilson - 1997)

God's Secret Formula Deciphering the Riddle of the Universe and the Prime Number Code - By Peter Plichta - Rockport, MA: Element Books, 1997 (Andrew Wilson - 1997)

America's Providential Opportunity (Andrew Wilson - September 28, 2001)

America's Providential Opportunity (Andrew Wilson - October, 2001)

Comments on the Matching Process (Andrew Wilson - August 13, 2002)

Reply to the responses from Andrew Wilson (Andrew Wilson - August 17, 2002)

Removing the Curse of the Cross: Towards a New Relationship between Judaism and Christianity (Andrew Wilson - May 18, 2003)

Reflections on the Breakthrough in Jerusalem (Andrew Wilson - July 20, 2003)

Donations To Liberate Jews (Andrew Wilson - August 29, 2003)

Jewish Liberation Providence (Andrew Wilson - September 25, 2003)

Jewish Liberation (Andrew Wilson - October 12, 2003)

Conference Call (Andrew Wilson - December 2, 2003)

Ten Thoughts on Theological Issues that Arise When Encountering Jews (Dr. Andrew Wilson - December 4, 2003)

Strategies (Andrew Wilson - December 7, 2003)

Last Night's Conference Call (Andrew Wilson - December 8, 2003)

Conference Call (Andrew Wilson - December 10, 2003)

The 10 Commandments of Peacemaking (Andrew Wilson - December 21, 2003)

Tikkun Olam in Jerusalem: Uniting the Abrahamic Faiths (Andrew Wilson - December 30, 2003)

Research into the Ontology of Spirit World and Spirit Persons in Unification Thought (Andrew Wilson - 2004)

Pilgrimage March 30 (Andrew Wilson - March 8, 2004)

The Rabbis, The Beautiful Rabbis That We Have Been Longing To Be With (Andrew Wilson - March 30, 2004)

Pilgrimage Notes (Andrew Wilson - September 21, 2004)

Stephen G. Post - Unlimited Love - Templeton Foundation Press, 2003 (Andrew Wilson - 2005)

September 24 Pilgrimage (Andrew Wilson - September 13, 2005)

Parent Testimony: My experience of STF (Andrew Wilson - September 17, 2005)

Sunday Project (Lianne Wilson - October 7, 2005)

A Call from Israel (Andrew Wilson - November 23, 2005)

'Tikkun Olam’ in Jerusalem (Andrew Wilson - January 12, 2007)

Testimony of Super-Challenge - Lianne's team in Key West (Lianne Wilson - April 8, 2007)

A 3rd Year Captain's Testimony (Lianne Wilson - April 27, 2007)

Thug Bishop - Additional information (Andrew Wilson - April 7, 2008)

No-One Does It Better… Than Alabama (Unja Wilson - November 2, 2008)

My thoughts on the Survey Regarding the UN Inquiry on the Gaza Flotilla and Results (Andrew Wilson - September 7, 2010)

Praying for Peace (Andrew Wilson - October 4,2010)

Praying for Peace II (Andrew Wilson - October 7, 2010)

Netanyahu's choice (Andrew Wilson - October 22, 2010)

Security must be shared (Andrew Wilson - October 22, 2010)

Middle East Conflict Survey 2: Jerusalem (Andrew Wilson - October 29, 2010)

More Middle East Conflict Survey 2: Jerusalem 2 (Andrew Wilson - November 1, 2010)

The Disgruntled Diaspora (Andrew Wilson - November 9, 2010)

Middle East: Step Back From The Brink And Take A Deep Breath (Andrew Wilson - November 10, 2010)

Prayers during this interim period (Andrew Wilson - November 17, 2010)

The Palestine Papers (Andrew Wilson - January 24, 2011)

Andrew Wilson's Palestinian/Israeli Border Proposal (Henry Christopher - October 28, 2011)

UTS Professor Speaks Out on Mideast Peace Process (Andrew Wilson - May 9, 2012)

Women’s Empowerment and Human Rights (Rosie Wilson - June 12, 2012 pdf)

A Failure to Leverage: Missed Opportunities in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Andrew Wilson - August 3, 2012)

New UTS Course to Study Rev. Moon's First Manuscript (Andrew Wilson - August 15, 2012)

Why the Quartet* Turned its Back on the Middle East (Andrew Wilson - August 28, 2012)

Was Jesus Married? Dr. Andrew Wilson Weighs In (Krista Moon - September 26, 2012 pdf)

The Wife of Jesus Seen from the Perspective of Divine Principle (Andrew Wilson - September 27, 2012 pdf)

Israel Can Win in Gaza, But Not Now (Andrew Wilson - November 16, 2012)

Harmony in the Family, Harmony in the Nation and Freedom Society (Andrew Wilson - November 24, 2012 pdf)

Response to Scott Simonds Critique of Freedom Society (Andrew Wilson - December 14, 2012)

Some Thoughts on True Mother’s Proclamations (Andrew Wilson - February 3, 2013 pdf)

Prospects for Peace: Obama's Visit to Israel (Andrew Wilson - March 20, 2013)

God’s Providence in the Middle East (Andrew Wilson - April 30, 2013 pdf)

10th Anniversary of the Middle East Peace Initiative (MEPI) in Munich Germany (Andrew Wilson - May 31, 2013 pdf)

For Peace between Israel and Palestine, Headwing Politics (Andrew Wilson - July 15, 2013 pdf)

UTS is hosting a conference entitled “Ontology and the Heavenly Parent” ~ November 1-3, 2013 (Andrew Wilson - October 18, 2013 pdf)

Ontology and the Heavenly Parent conference report (Andrew Wilson - November 1 - 3, 2013 pdf)

America's Roadblock to Peace in the Middle East (Andrew Wilson - January 9, 2014 pdf)

A Call to Prayer For Israel and the Peace Process (Andrew Wilson - February 6, 2014 pdf)

“Noah”: The Limits of Patriarchal Religion (Andrew Wilson - April 17, 2014 pdf)

“The Red Tent”: What the Bible Might Have Been, Had Women Written It (Andrew Wilson - December 17, 2014 pdf)

Rev. Moon’s Unrecognized Influences on Christian Theology (Andrew Wilson - March 23, 2015 pdf)

The Only-Begotten Daughter (Andrew Wilson - April 13, 2015 pdf)

The Theological Significance of True Mother (Andrew Wilson - September 16, 2015 pdf)

Hyung Jin Moon's Sanctuary Church extremist Christian mindset (Andrew Wilson - September 17, 2015 pdf)

In Defense of True Mother: Sanctuary Church's Extremist Christian Mindset (Andrew Wilson - September 18, 2015 pdf)

True Father and True Mother: A Glorious Partnership (Andrew Wilson - December 12, 2015 pdf)

Father wanted unity between Hyung Jin Nim and Hyun Jin Nim (Andrew Wilson - February 3, 2016 pdf)

God as Heavenly Parent in Rev. Moon’s Early Teachings (Jin-choon Kim and Andrew Wilson - February 23, 2016 pdf)

Andrew Wilson, Kathleen Burton, and Jeanne Carroll: DP Post Foundation Day (D. Perry - March 5, 2016 pdf)

Heavenly Parent and True Parents, in the Post Foundation Day Era (Slides) (Andrew Wilson - April 8, 2016 pdf)

Heavenly Parent and True Parents (Andrew Wilson - April 8, 2016 pdf)

Heavenly Parent and True Parents, in the Post Foundation Day Era (Andrew Wilson - April 8, 2016 pdf)

Leave No Women in Religion behind in the 2030 Development Agenda (Andrew Wilson - July 16, 2016 pdf)

World Scripture 25 Years: What Unites Us... (Andrew Wilson - August 23, 2016 pdf)

True Mother and the Work of the Holy Spirit (Andrew Wilson - September 12, 2016 pdf)

A Principle Viewpoint on the Only Begotten Daughter - Part 1 (Andrew Wilson - February 13, 2017 pdf)

A Principle Viewpoint on the Only Begotten Daughter - Part 2 (Andrew Wilson - February 20, 2017 pdf)

Citizens Proposal for Border between Israel and Palestine suspending operation (Andrew Wilson - March 20, 2017 pdf)

How the Providence has changed in the Era after Foundation Day (Andrew Wilson - April 2017 pdf)

Our Alignment in the Era of True Mother (Andrew Wilson - May 22, 2017 pdf)

Theological Developments in the FFWPU since the Death of Rev. Moon (Andrew Wilson - September 18, 2017 pdf)

I Have an Issue with That! (Andrew Wilson - November 7, 2017 pdf)

Andrew Wilson (academic) (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - March 8, 2018 pdf)

Filial Piety to God and True Parents (Andrew Wilson - April 23, 2018 pdf)

After Putting Barrytown Up for Sale, UTS Recasts Its Future in Online Education (Andrew Wilson - July 18, 2018 pdf)

In Memory of Karin Wilson (1948 - 2018) (Crescentia DeGoede - November 7, 2018 pdf)

Insights from the Bible for a Scripture of True Parents (Andrew Wilson - March 18, 2019 pdf)

Why Does True Mother Call Herself the Only Begotten Daughter? (Andrew Wilson - December 16, 2019 pdf)

This is Rev. Moon's One-Hundredth Birthday - Who Was Rev. Moon? (Andrew Wilson - February 5. 2020 pdf)

Unification Theological Seminary: Remembering Dr. Richard Rubenstein (Andrew Wilson - June 15, 2021 pdf)

Building a Platform for Peace (Andrew Wilson - March 20, 2022 pdf)

Unification Theological Seminary: Faculty Roundtable Featuring Dr. Andrew Wilson - April 19 (Thomas Ward - April 12, 2022 pdf)

UTS Faculty Roundtable: Andrew Wilson - The Victory of the Cross in Wolli Wonbon (Thomas G. Walsh - April 19, 2022 pdf)

FFWPU UK: This Week In Our History: World Scripture edited by Dr. Andrew Wilson Unveiled (Michael Balcomb - August 22, 2022 pdf)

ABC News 10 of Albany, NY interviews UTS's Andrew Wilson on Pope's passing (Thomas G. Walsh - December 31, 2022 pdf)

Unification Theological Seminary: Faculty Roundtable Featuring Dr. Andrew Wilson - April 27 (Thomas G. Walsh - April 26, 2023 pdf)

Higher Purpose Forum: Perspectives on the Crisis in Gaza - Drissa Kone, William Haines and Andrew Wilson (James Edgerly - November 13, 2023 pdf)

Higher Purpose Forum: Andrew Wilson & Alision Wakelin - Science and Religion from Viewpoint of Principle (James Edgerly - April 16, 2024 pdf)

FFWPU Europe and the Middle East: Evolutionary Creationism on Human Origins (Knut Holdhus - April 28, 2024 pdf)

FFWPU Europe and the Middle East: Anthropic Principle - Universe Made For Us (Knut Holdhus - April 29, 2024 pdf)

Higher Purpose Forum: Andrew Wilson on Rev. Moon's Early Writings on Science - William Lay, Respondent (James Edgerly - April 30, 2024 pdf)

FFWPU Europe and Middle East: New Insight On Evolution - Feature Of Creation (Knut Holdhus - May 2, 2024 pdf)

FFWPU Europe and the Middle East: Evolution By The Principle Of Giving And Receiving (Knut Holdhus - May 4, 2024 pdf)

FFWPU Europe and Middle East: Epigenetics And New Holistic View Of Evolution (Knut Holdhus - May 6, 2024 pdf)

FFWPU Europe and the Middle East: Science In Rev. Moon's Early Writings (Knut Holdhus - May 12, 2024 pdf)

FFWPU Europe and Middle East: Wolli Wonbon On Gravitation / Planetary Motion (Knut Holdhus - May 13, 2024 pdf)

FFWPU Europe and Middle East: Electric Induction Shows Us How God Creates (Knut Holdhus - May 15, 2024 pdf)

FFWPU Europe and the Middle East: Diversity In Nature Seen In Colours Of Light (Knut Holdhus - May 16, 2024 pdf)

FFWPU Europe and the Middle East: Key Concepts To Deepen Your Relationship To God (Knut Holdhus - May 18, 2024 pdf)

FFWPU Europe and the Middle East: Ladder Of Levels In Mind-Body Relationship (Knut Holdhus - May 21 2024 pdf)

FFWPU Europe and the Middle East: Gender-Balanced Understanding Of God And Christ (Knut Holdhus - June 1, 2024 pdf)

FFWPU Europe and the Middle East: The Mission Of The Only Begotten Daughter (Knut Holdhus - June 2, 2024 pdf)

FFWPU Europe and the Middle East: Man And Woman Together Manifesting The Divine (Knut Holdhus - June 4, 2024 pdf)

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