The Words of the Zoehrer Family

 Table of Contents

True Family Award Banquet (Peter Zoehrer - December 2, 2007)

Geneva Conference on Interfaith Cooperation and the Protection of Human Dignity (September 2, 2008 – Peter Zoeher)

True Family Values Award 2008 (Elisabeth Cook & Peter Zoehrer - December 2008 pdf)

Mounting a Challenge to Religious Intolerance (Peter Zoehrer - February 2009)

20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Iron Curtain (Elisabeth Cook and Peter Zoehrer - June 27, 2009)

Religious Freedom as the Prerequisite for Interfaith Dialogue - The Minaret Ban and its Implications (Peter Zoehrer - December 3, 2009)

Hungary: Scandalous New Law on Religion -- Most Oppressive in OSCE Region (Peter Zoehrer - June 21, 2011)

National Leaders World Assembly 2012 (Peter Zoehrer - January 22, 2012)

True Parents birthday celebration (Peter Zoehrer - January 23, 2012)

Peter Zoehrer: Religious Freedom and Human Rights Education (Meera Tailor - June 17, 2012 pdf)

English transcript of the documentary on True Father and the Unification Movement released by Austrian state TV (Peter Zoehrer - October 21, 2012 pdf)

Sunday Service-tour by Peter Zöhrer and his daughter Daniela (November 25, 2012 pdf)

Testimony of Daniela Zoehrer in Vienna, Austria, December 2012 (pdf)

Japan: Severe Human Rights Abuses – Open Letter to the Prime Minister (Peter Zoehrer - March 11, 2013 pdf)

The Return of Daniela to our Church (Peter and Gabriele Zoehrer - March 25, 2013 pdf)

Blessing of the new Humboldt Centre in Linz Austria through our National Leader Peter Zohrer (June 16, 2013 pdf)

Creating the new Cheon Seong Gyeong (Zoehrer - July 3, 2013)

HARP Austria Summer Workshop (Gabriele Zoehrer - August 25 - 31, 2013 pdf)

OSCE Meeting on Freedom of Religion and Belief in Warsaw, Poland (Peter Zohrer - September 23 - 26, 2013 pdf)

The Unification Movement: A Profile at University of Vienna (Peter Zohrer - May 14, 2014 pdf)

The Unification Movement: A Profile Vienna University invites Unification Movement to present its Teaching & Projects in Vienna, Austria (Elisabeth Cook & D. Zoehrer - May 26, 2014 pdf)

Vienna University invites Unification Movement to present its Teaching & Projects (Elisabeth Cook & D. Zoehrer - May 29, 2014 pdf)

The Unification Movement: A Profile - Vienna University invites Unification Movement to present its Teaching & Projects (Elisabeth Cook & D. Zoehrer - May 30, 2014 pdf)

The Angels of Peace Tour iin Linz, Austria (Peter Zoehrer - June 26, 2014 pdf)

European Court of Human Rights Fails to Protect Religious Freedom (Aaron Rhodes and Peter Zoehrer - July 3, 2014 pdf)

JAPAN Forced change of religion: UN Human Rights Committee (Peter Zoehrer - July 25, 2014 pdf)

Atomic Bomb Awareness Day Observed at the UN in Vienna, Austria (Peter Zoehrer - August 8, 2014 pdf)

7x7 Years for World Peace in Vienna, Austria (Elisabeth Cook & Peter Zoehrer - August 29 – 30, 2014 pdf)

49th National Anniversary of the Unification Movement of Austria (Elisabeth Cook & Peter Zoehrer - August 29 - 31, 2014 pdf)

Panel discussion on “What do children really need?” in Linz, Austria (Peter Zoehrer - September 20, 2014 pdf)

The Austrian Church Celebrates Forty-Nine Years (Peter Zoehrer - October 2014 pdf)

CARP re-launched in Vienna! (Peter Zoehrer - October 3, 2014 pdf)

10 Years CARP Center Celebration (Peter Zoehrer - October 8, 2014 pdf)

Tribal Messiahship Activities of Blessed Families in Vienna, Austria (Peter Zoehrer - October 2014 pdf)

World Cafe: My Faith and Global Citizenship (Peter Zoehrer and Blerina Osmani - November 7, 2014 pdf)

Munich: Muslims have a right to build a mosque, and opponents have a right to criticize Islam (Peter Zoehrer - November 11, 2014 pdf)

UPF Upper Austria: Jewish Families and Institutions in Linz, Austria – past and present (Peter Zoehrer - November 16, 2014 pdf)

Our Kenya Journey report from Vienna, Austria (Daniela and Gaby Zöhrer - November 4 - 25, 2014 pdf)

Report to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on Austria’s Violations of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) respecting Freedom of Religion (Peter Zoehrer - December 2, 2014 pdf)

Interreligious Sunday Service in Vienna (Peter Zoehrer - January 25, 2015 pdf)

Austria as a Providential Nation (Peter Zoehrer - December 4, 2014 pdf)

Austrian CARP Weekend Workshop: How to be Successful (Peter Zoehrer - February 15, 2015 pdf)

Vienna Conference Discusses Future of EU-Russian Relationship (Eirini Patsea and Peter Zoehrer - February 26, 2015 pdf)

Amazing Lecture at the Faculty of Theology in Bratislava, Slovakia (Peter Zoehrer - March 24, 2015 pdf)

WFWP Austria met with Dr. Maria Hengstberger, founder of ‘Aktion Regen’ (Peter Zoehrer - May 9, 2015 pdf)

Welcoming True Mother to the 50 Year Anniversary Celebration of the European Movement (Peter Zoehrer - May 10, 2015 pdf)

Kick-OffEvent of the European Cranes Club (Peter Zoehrer - May 10, 2015 pdf)

Kick Off Event of the European Cranes Club in Vienna, Austria (Peter Zoehrer - May 10, 2015 pdf)

Austria: Unification Church recognized as “Confessional Community” (Peter Zoehrer - June 15, 2015 pdf)

Press Release: Austrian Unification Church recognized as Confessional Community (Peter Zoehrer - June 15, 2015 pdf)

Austrian Government Grants Unification Church Legal Status (Peter Zoehrer - June 24, 2015 pdf)

Activity Report HARP Vienna - January - July 2015 (Peter Zoehrer - July 1, 2015 pdf)

CARP Vienna: Activity report from January - July 2015 (Peter Zoehrer - July 1 2015 pdf)

Activity Report HARP Vienna Jan.-July 2015 (Peter Zoehrer - July 1, 2015 pdf)

Three Testimonies about True Mother’s Visit to Vienna (Peter Zoehrer - May 10, 2015 pdf)

Scandal over “Cult in the Castle” (Peter Zoehrer - November 12, 2015 pdf)

The Challenge of protecting Fundamental Human Rights in the 21st Century (Peter Zoehrer - December 21, 2015 pdf)

Report on our Fact-Finding Mission to Moldova (Peter Zoehrer - January 22, 2016 pdf)

World Interfaith Harmony Week in Vienna, Austria (Peter Zoehrer - February 5, 2016 pdf)

The Logic of Love, 1 Day Divine Principle Workshop in Vienna, Austria (Peter Zoehrer - March 19, 2016 pdf)

Austrian Committee for Transition (ACT) held its first Working Weekend in Gaflenz (Peter Zoehrer - March 20, 2016 pdf)

Meetings of the Austrian Committee for Transition (Peter Zoehrer - March 20, 2016 pdf)

CARP Workshop in Gaflenz, Austria (Peter Zoehrer - March 28, 2016 pdf)

Outline of the Working Group Media Outreach & Public Relations (Peter Zoehrer - April 8. 2016 pdf)

Summary Report on the Working Group Media Outreach & Public Relations - European Cheon Il Guk Assembly 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic (Peter Zoehrer - April 10, 2016 pdf)

Austrian Leaders Meeting and New Appointments (Peter Zoehrer - May 1, 2016 pdf)

Report on Austrian Committee for Transition Working Weekend (Peter Zoehrer - May 7, 2016 pdf)

International Day of Families observed in Austria (Peter Zoehrer - May 29, 2016 pdf)

Interview by FOREF Europe with Jan Figel EU Special Envoy for the promotion of Freedom of Religious Belief (Peter Zoehrer - August 3, 2016 pdf)

Global Women's Peace Network Assembly in Moscow, Russia (Gabriele Zoehrer - October 7, 2016 pdf)

Report: Moscow - Annual Euro-Asian WFWP Conference in Moscow (Gabriele Zoehrer - October 9, 2016 pdf)

The 7th Conference on Global Citizen Education in Vienna, Austria (Gaby Zoehrer - October 11, 2016 pdf)

Defending Freedom of Religion and Belief as a Matter of Principle (D. Zoehrer - October 11, 2016 pdf)

New directions from True Mother for Austria (Peter Zoehrer - October 29, 2016 pdf)

Consequences of national recognition of the Unification Church of Austria (Peter Zoehrer - March 4, 2017 pdf)

European Assembly 2017 in Prague, Czech Republic presentation: PR and Social Media (Peter Zoehrer - March 11, 2017 pdf)

Jehovah’s Witnesses Banned in Russia (Peter Zoehrer - May 5, 2017 pdf)

The Life and Legacy of Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Movements in Scholarly Perspective (Peter Zoehrer - May 30, 2017 pdf)

The Life and Legacy of Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Movements in Scholarly Perspective - Summary Report & Reflections (Peter Zoehrer - May 30, 2017 pdf)

Workshop in Germany: the Media and Public Relations. Let’s Change the Climate of Public Opinion! (Peter Zoehrer - January 7, 2018 pdf)

The Brother Who Lost His Memory - But Not His Heart and Love for True Mother (Peter Zoehrer - January 30, 2018 pdf)

Hungary: A lesson about the importance of media work in relation to governments and society (Peter Zoehrer - May 18, 2018 pdf)

Peter Zoehrer: Persecuted Church Of Almighty God Seeks Asylum in S. Korea (Michael Downey - September 1, 2018 pdf)

How Minority Religions React to the Law (Peter Zoehrer - June 1, 2019 pdf)

How Minority Religions React to the Law (Peter Zoehrer - June 1, 2019 pdf)

UPF-Slovakia: FOREF's Peter Zoehrer speaks on Gulag Labor Camps in China (Barbara Grabner - December 10, 2019 pdf)

FOREF Report 2020: Religious Persecution in China (Peter Zoehrer - April 5, 2020 pdf)

UPF: Federation: Online Rally Calling for Peace, Reconciliation, Mutual Prosperity - Business Wire (Peter Zoehrer - August 5, 2020 pdf)

Media Coverage of the Balkan Leadership Conference - November 20-21, 2021 (Peter Zoehrer - November 21, 2021 pdf)

Japanese Government violates human rights of the Unification Church in Japan (Peter Zoehrer - September 25, 2022 pdf)

Freedom of the Press and Religious Liberty: Two Sides of The Same Coin (Peter Zoehrer - May 24, 2023 pdf)

Religious Freedom Requires Constant Protection, Speakers Tell UPF, Washington Times Foundation Event (Larry Moffitt - February 2, 2024 pdf)

FFWPU Europe and the Middle East: Religious Freedom Crisis Exposed In Paris (Knut Holdhus - June 22, 2024 pdf)

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