The Words of the Kajikuri Family |
Myung Moon, May 1, 2011
President Japan Unification Church President Mr. Gentaro Kajikuri (not sure of the spelling. Am not sure if he has a "Rev." title, perhaps he has.) visited Fukuoka church and gave this Sunday's sermon. He's around 70 plus or 80 plus.
Sorry I wasn't able to listen to his profile.
My estimate is based on his looks.
He said that at around 67 years old, he was diagnosed for a cancer (not sure what type) and the doctor predicted he'd got about 4 months to live. But until now he's still alive, he said. He said his health isn't good and he has only half of his lungs functioning.
In the first part of the sermon, he talked about the cause of the quake/tsunami as not being caused by a natural phenomenon but is an "alarm from God." Just as John the Baptist said we have to repent, for the KOH is coming, we need also to do the same thing.
He said this is also similar to the experience of Jonah who tried to evade his responsibility of proclaiming the Word of God and was thus punished. Nevertheless, he reiterated that blessings come after the trial period is over.
For the latter part of the sermon, here are some short excerpt:
What will you be proud of in the spirit world? Can you go to heaven? For a long time you've been a church member. You thought you can go to heaven... You can't go there automatically.
You have to study Hontairon (Original Divine Principle). If you lack even one condition you can't go to heaven. Why do we need Hontairon? Because we need to know God.
Next question is, "Do you love God?" If you think because you believe, you can be saved, you're just like the Christians..
Do you really love True Parents?.. Next, you have to teach your relatives (witness) about God. That's the tribal Messiah work...
In the spirit world, did you liberate 210 generation of ancestors? You have to do that completely. If you go to the spirit world, you will lose your condition (lose the chance to make these conditions).
What are you doing coming to the church? To go to heaven? You have to hurry up. Unite with True Parents...
You have to study Hontairon, You have to testify about God to relatives and friends and give the Blessing...
In the whole of Japan, only 2 persons have completed the tribal Messiah providence..
All nations, all people should repent in front of God...