The IFVC has the will and power
to carry out the difficult work of getting the ultimate victory
over Communism (Gentaro Kajikuri) - October 1, 1971)
Victory Over Communism Convention
in Japan (Gentaro Kajikuri - December 14, 1971)
Information about “October
14, Special Blessing” from the 2009 Blessing Committee as of
Sept. 25, 2009 (Gentaro Kajikuri - September 25, 2009)
Japan Unification Church
president Gentaro Kajikuri speaks at Fukuoka Church (Edna
Hirae - June 12, 2011)
Peace and Security Discussed
among Diplomats in Japan (Gentaro Kajikuri - December 8, 2011)
Diplomats in Tokyo Address
Democratization Linked with Violence (Masayoshi Kajikuri -
March 15, 2012)
Former UN Official Addresses the
Responsibility to Protect (Gentaro Kajikuri - November 7,
In Memoriam: Rev. Gentaro
Kajikuri 1937-2012 (Hyung Jin Moon - December 26, 2012 pdf)
Eulogy of Gentaro Kajikuri
President of Unification Church Japan (Kook Jin Moon -
December 26, 2012)
Seonghwa of Gentaro Kajikuri,
president of Unification Church Japan (Kook Jin Moon -
December 28, 2012)
Gentaro Kajikuri: President of
Unification Church Japan and "a hero of the providence"
(Kook Jin Moon - December 30, 2012)
Testimony: True Parents Love
Japan (Gentaro Kajikuri - September 2015 pdf)
World Interfaith Harmony Week
Observed in Japan (Masayoshi Kajikuri - January 19, 2017 pdf)
Masatate Kajikuri's Interfaith
Peace Blessing Ceremony in Battambang, Cambodia (Chamrouen
Sophal - May 11, 2017 pdf)
Restructuring of Regions and
Reassignment of Personnel - Masayoshi Kajikuri (Sung Il Cho -
July 26, 2017 pdf)
Kanagawa, Japan UPF and YSP
Commemorate International Day of Peace 2017 (Masayoshi
Kajikuri - September 17, 2017 pdf)
UPF-Japan commemorated UN World
Interfaith Harmony Week 2018 in Tokyo (Masayoshi Kajikuri -
February 1, 2018 pdf)
Masatate Kajikuri's FFWPU Asia
Pacific and Africa HJ Leaders' Workshop (Chung Sik Yong -
March 6, 2018 pdf)
UPF Japan holds 32nd Peace
Diplomats Forum at United Nations University Hq. (Masayoshi
Kajikuri - March 12, 2018 pdf)
UPF Tokyo, Japan Commemorates the
UN International Day of Families 2018 (Masayoshi Kajikuri -
April 28, 2018 pdf)
UPF Tokyo, Japan's 33rd Peace
Diplomats Forum at United Nations University (Masayoshi
Kajikuri - July 4, 2018 pdf)
UPF Kanagawa, Japan co-organized
a beach cleanup at Wada Nahana beach (Masayoshi Kajikuri -
September 16, 2018 pdf)
Tokyo Forum Discusses New System
to Boost Foreign Workers in Japan (Masayoshi Kajikuri - April
3, 2019 pdf)
UPF Tokyo, Japan cleans up
Shibuya on the International Day of Families 2019 (Masayoshi
Kajikuri - April 27, 2019 pdf)
UPF Tokyo Japan hosts 36th Peace
Diplomats Forum United at Nations University (Masayoshi
Kajikuri - July 25, 2019 pdf)
UPF Nagoya, Japan's inaugural
Japan Summit and Leadership Conference (JSLC) (Masayoshi
Kajikuri - October 5, 2019 pdf)
UPF Tokyo, Japan's ILC: Peaceful
Reunification of the Korean Peninsula (Masayoshi Kajikuri -
November 24, 2020 pdf)
UPF and IAPD Japan Commemorate
the First Anniversary of the WCLC (Masayoshi Kajikuri -
December 17, 2020 pdf)
UPF Tokyo, Japan's 113th
Inter-Religious Forum honors Interfaith Harmony Week
(Masayoshi Kajikuri - February 12, 2021 pdf)
UPF-Japan Hosts Forum on the
Korean Peninsula Featuring Russian Expert (Masayoshi Kajikuri
- February 24, 2021 pdf)
Hokkaido ILC Focuses on Japan's
Role in Korean Reunification (Masayoshi Kajikuri - March 7,
2021 pdf)
UPF Tokyo, Japan: Interreligious
Forum Remembers the East Japan Earthquake (Masayoshi Kajikuri
- March 12, 2021 pdf)
ILC Tokyo, Japan Online Forum
Examines Japan's Role in the Korean War (Masayoshi Kajikuri -
March 18, 2021 pdf)
ILC Osaka, Japan: 100 Experts
Participate in ILC Focusing on the Korea (Masayoshi Kajikuri -
March 20, 2021 pdf)
UPF Tokyo, Japan - Opening
Session International Leadership Conference 2021 (Masayoshi
Kajikuri - June 22, 2021 pdf)
UPF Japan - Session 1 of the
ILC2021: Political and Academic Perspectives (Masayoshi
Kajikuri - Thursday, June 24, 2021 pdf)
UPF Tokyo, Japan The Inaugural
Ceremony of the Peace Road 2021 in Japan (Masayoshi Kajikuri -
June 25, 2021 pdf)
UPF Osaka, Japan ILC 2021:
Session I: 71st Anniversary of the United Nations (Masayoshi
Kajikuri - June 27, 2021 pdf)
UPF Osaka, Japan ILC 2021:
Session II - Regional Security in East Asia (Masayoshi
Kajikuri - July 11, 2021 pdf)
UPF Osaka, Japan ILC 2021:
Session III - The International Highway Project and the
Japan-Korea Undersea Tunnel (Masayoshi Kajikuri - July 17,
2021 pdf)
UPF Tokyo, Japan ILC 2021:
Session VI - 17th Anniversary UPF and 30th Anniversary of UPF
Founders' Visit to North Korea (Masayoshi Kajikuri - July 24,
2021 pdf)
UPF Tokyo, Japan ILC 2021:
Session VIII - Japan-Korea Cultural Dialogue (Masayoshi
Kajikuri - July 31, 2021 pdf)
LC2021 Japan, August 2: Session I
- 2022 Korean Presidential Election (Masayoshi Kajikuri -
August 2, 2021 pdf)
ILC2021 Japan, August 14: Session
IV - Peace on the Korean Peninsula (Masayoshi Kajikuri -
August 14, 2021 pdf)
ILC2021 Japan, August 19: Session
VII - 115th Interreligious Forum (Masayoshi Kajikuri - August
19, 2021 pdf)
ILC2021 Japan, September 1:
Session XI - Japan-South Korea Relations on Security Issues
(Masayoshi Kajikuri - September 1, 2021 pdf)
UPF Japan holds the East Tokyo
Forum for Peace and Security of Asia and Japan (Masayoshi
Kajikuri - January 16, 2022 pdf)