The Words of the Love Family

 Table of Contents

Gratitude to True Family (Matthew Love - October 4, 2009)

The Rewards of Reaching Out with a Parental Heart -- Interview with Andrew Love (Jeremy Francis - October 2011)

Some common reasons people don't invite others to church (Andrew Love - May 11, 2012 pdf)

Andrew Love Tells His Conversion Story on National Public Radio (Ariana Moon and Renee Shaw - July 13, 2012 pdf)

Testimony about Mass Weddings and Matchings (Andrew Love - October 1, 2013)

Our Commitment to the Marriage Blessing and to Each Other (Andrew Love - January 26, 2015 pdf)

Witnessing Wrap Up - April Highlights at New Hope (Andrew Love - May 2, 2015 pdf)

The Fisher People (Andrew Love - March 22, 2015 pdf)

Our Ace Lecturers...! LifeMap DP Tomorrow is ON (Andrew Love - May 22, 2015 pdf)

Three resources for couples! Please respond (Andrew Love - May 25, 2015 pdf)

Church Tomorrow ~ Look ! NEW Location at Melford! (Andrew Love - June 6, 2015 pdf)

Who Do you Know? Nominations are Open! Parents Day Awards at Melford! (Andrew Love - July 20, 2015 pdf)

True Father Peace Road Bike Tour Arrives in Washington DC! (Andrew Love - July 29, 2015 pdf)

Dr Ki Hoon Kim to Speak Sunday 10am Melford (Andrew Love - August 8, 2015 pdf)

Part 2; Second Half of Divine Principle ~ Saturday (Andrew Love - August 18, 2015 pdf)

Unificationists Christen New Boat and Launch Ocean Church (Andrew Love - September 6, 2015 pdf)

National Marriage Blessing Is Celebrated in Baltimore, Maryland (Andrew Love - October 3, 2015 pdf)

New Hope Family Church Fourth Quarter- Goals, etc. (Andrew Love - October 5, 2015 pdf)

True Children's Day at New Hope Family Church, Maryland (Andrew Love - November 12, 2015 pdf)

Youth ministry in Bowie, Maryland focuses on inviting God (Andrew Love - November 13, 2015 pdf)

New Hope Family’s 2015 Annual Report: Highlights and Overview (Andrew Love - December 17, 2015 pdf)

Eagle Scout Court of Honor (Andrew Love - January 26, 2016 pdf)

The Day I Became a Man (Andrew Love - February 9, 2016 pdf)

Maryland Aloha Alumni Take Aim at the Generation Gap (Andrew Love - February 9, 2016 pdf)

Be the Roots not the Leaves (Andrew Love - February 26, 2016 pdf)

Words from my heart to my almost son (Andrew Love - March 7, 2016 pdf)

Prayer & Fasting - Members - Setting Condition for this 2016 Year & New USA President - Would you Like to Join? (Andrew Love - April 1, 2016 pdf)

The Marriage Course at New Hope Family Church (Andrew Love - April 13, 2016 pdf)

Updates about upcoming events and fundraiser for Gambia (Andrew Love - May 25, 2016 pdf)

Belvedere and buses (Andrew Love - June 6, 2016 pdf)

Special Grace Ceremony in New Hope Family Church, Maryland (Andrew Love - June 29, 2016 pdf)

Grace (Andrew Love - July 22, 2016 pdf)

Special Grace Ceremony at the New Hope Family Church, Maryland (Andrew Love - August 26, 2016 pdf)

MD and DC family has 400 public readings of TF's Washington Monument speech (Andrew Love - August 27, 2016 pdf)

Second Special Grace Ceremony at New Hope Family Church, Maryland (Andrew Love - August 28, 2016 pdf)

New Hope Family Weekly Announcements (Andrew Love - September 3, 2016 pdf)

Washington Event (Not actually at the Monument!!!) (Andrew Love - September 5, 2016 pdf)

Decision America Tour 2016 Rally in Annapolis (Andrew Love - October 10, 2016 pdf)

Advanced First Blessing Training with Ron Pappalardo (Andrew Love - October 13, 2016 pdf)

New Hope Family Seeking Associate Pastor for General Affairs (Andrew Love - November 2, 2016 pdf)

Appreciating Andrew Love of the New Hope Family Church in Maryland (Libby Henkin - November 12, 2016 pdf)

Come to Saturday brunch with Ki Hoon Kim at the Washington Times (Andrew Love - December 14, 2016 pdf)

Join us tomorrow Prez Inauguration on the Mall! (Andrew Love - January 19, 2017 pdf)

Lead Pastor Search for New Hope Family Church of Maryland (Andrew Love - February 7, 2017 pdf)

A Legacy of Love (Andrew Love - March 2, 2017 pdf)

Andrew Love's First High Noon Summit - engaging struggles with pornography (Mi Young Eaton - April 9, 2017 pdf)

The Chicago Family Church's Sexual Integrity Weekend with Andrew Love (Hiro Sagisaka - May 20, 2017 pdf)

Detroit, MI prayer breakfast, with Andrew Love, tackles epidemic of pornography (David Kasbow - June 3, 2017 pdf)

Giving Tuesday: Contribute to and Liberation from Pornography (Andrew Love - November 27, 2017 pdf)

Accountability Allies are Key to Success (Andrew Love - March 14, 2018 pdf)

New: Ascend 90-Day Sexual Integrity Training Starting Soon (Andrew Love - March 21, 2018 pdf)

Connect with People Who've Had Success (Andrew Love - March 28, 2018 pdf)

Boundaries Help You Create a Standard for Yourself (Andrew Love - April 4, 2018 pdf)

Your Future Starts Today (Andrew Love - April 13, 2018 pdf)

Protecting Purity in a Hypersexualized Culture (Andrew Love - April 15, 2018 pdf)

You Can't Control What Your Spouse Does (Andrew Love - April 19, 2018 pdf)

Media Messages – What's In An Image? (Andrew Love - April 27, 2018 pdf)

Spouse Support from High Noon (Andrew Love - May 30, 2018 pdf)

Sexual Integrity Applied in a Disintegrating World (Andrew Love - June 15, 2018 pdf)

High Noon July Updates (Andrew Love - August 4, 2018 pdf)

HJ High Noon Summit in Chung Pyung, Korea near - 360 participants - 27 nations (Andrew Love - September 2, 2018 pdf)

HJ High Noon Summit in Chung Pyung, South Korea and 7 nation Asian tour (Sammy Uyama - October 2018 pdf)

Loneliness is a trigger for porn, but can disconnect you from the ones you love (R. Cunningham - November 15, 2018 pdf)

Two Becoming One Isn't Just About Sex - You're Combining Hopes and Dreams (Andrew Love - November 17, 2018 pdf)

We will be starting an educational Coop for families that are homeschooling (Andrew Love - January 3, 2019 pdf)

High Noon hosted an eventful Summit at the Bay Area Family Church (Andrew Love - February 2, 2019 pdf)

High Noon hosted a Summit in Chicago for 142 participants from the Midwest (Andrew Love - April 20, 2019 pdf)

FAQ on the High Noon Tour in Europe 2019 (Andrew Love - May 17, 2019 pdf)

High Noon Team's Itinerary for their visit the UK in June (Andrew Love - May 22, 2019 pdf)

Mike and Adonia Hentrich lifted us from destitution to total resurrection (Andrew Love - January 20, 2020 pdf)

Resurrected by Denver Family Church Co-Pastors (Andrew Love - February 28, 2020 pdf)

High Noon Concludes 24-Hour Global Summit (Andrew Love - April 26, 2020 pdf)

Sexual Integrity: What Is It? And Why Do We Want It? (Andrew Love - September 18, 2020 pdf)

High-Noon 40-Year Blessing Anniversary Cruise (Andrew Love - October 20, 2021 pdf)

Colorado Family Church: Sunday's Service Guest Speaker Andrew Love (Michael and Adonia Hentrich - March 4, 2022 pdf)

FFWPU USA: Sexual Freedom Summit Creates Space for Candid Conversations (Naokimi Ushiroda - April 25, 2022 pdf)

FFWPU UK: The High Noon Team Continues Their Journey Across Europe! (Michael Balcomb - March 22, 2023 pdf)

FFWPU USA: The Epic Expansion of High Noon (Demian Dunkley - November 15, 2023 pdf)

FFWPU USA: Our Portion of Responsibility (Andrew Love - May 8, 2024 pdf)

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