The Words of the Petric Family |
I was born in 1966 in Croatia, and grew up in a society which has a strong Catholic background. The person, who made a strong impact on me during my childhood, was my grandmother from mother’s side. Although she was a simple, formally uneducated woman from a village, she was a sincere believer, morally very pure and actually taught me to look at people with no prejudices, with an open heart and trust.
The same as she, I was wondering why we as human beings are so often and so seriously hurting each other. I accepted her guidance that actually what matters in life is not what others are doing but what I am doing (or not doing).
In school I did not have any problems, so I had a lot of time to read different books (often through all night) and to have intensive sharing with friends.
I can say that since the age of 17 I started to look for the deeper meaning of life (one of the reasons for that was disappointing with the women’s world). More and more recognizing the reality of society I started to loose hope, vision and dreams for the future.
When I met the Divine Principle teaching in 1990, I recognized that "something big" is going on and for me it was no problem to join the Unification Church and fully invest myself in activities. I studied a lot, became a church leader, lecturer and responsible person for VIP contacts. Later I had the mission as a national leader for several years.
I was blessed in 1992 together with 30000 couples. My wife is Korean and we have 2 children.
My days were very busy with church activities, but gradually, first subconsciously, started my new spiritual awakening in 1998. I clearly understood, that something is wrong with me, my family and our movement. The way I am and the way we are going is not generating enough the hope for the establishment of the Heavenly Kingdom.
I could not find answers why it was like that, but the feeling and the hope never left me that there must be a solution. My prayers were fruitful and in 2002 I met pioneers, who had studied Trie Fatjer´s words sincerely analyzing and systematizing them to prepare for the Fourth Israel. The key for reading True Father's words and the deep contents of Home Church were introduced to me. I felt that God is calling us again.
When I approached my brothers and sisters with the new life and vision for the future, that I had gained, pain came to my heart. I could not believe that the hearts of many Unification Church members to whom I talked, were so closed. What must be Gods feeling about that situation?
We would be happy, if as many as possible will research, what we want to share since God has prepared for such a long time and is longing for sincere searchers to respond.
Immediately after True Father was rejected by God's prepared people, the Second Israel, he started to build a new foundation in order to prepare the realm of the Fourth Adam. Our spiritual immaturity and selfish concepts did not allow us, the Unificationists, to understand True Father correctly.
Due to the sincere research in Trie Fatjer´s words we can now have access to a deeper and clearer understanding of Trie Fatjer´s teaching God's plan is revealed in Trie Fatjer´s words opening the door to build the Heavenly Kingdom.
Needed is our readiness to put God's desire into the first place and a humble heart to welcome God's call no matter how much it would challenge us to get out from our comfort zone.
"Knock at the door, then it will be opened!" is written in the Bible, but if we are satisfied with what we have, although God is not satisfied, then no door will open for us. Let us not be afraid of answers, which we are not expecting.. If we really want, the revolution of heart can take place right us.
Trie Fatjer announced a new era to come with the realistic possibility to fulfill what we were dreaming of, when we started our course. Yet it will still need our courage, blood, sweat and tears. The difference is, that we will not go through a desert-course as in the past, but a course, which will enable us to grow and fulfill God's hope, the three Blessings. In order to be able to do this we need to have clear answers how to grow, unite mind and body overcome our selfishness and develop a heart of true love.