The Words of the Redmond Family |
There is a time coming in the affairs of men when all things shall be recompensed. Render not evil for evil. Let your light so shine before men that they may see the glory of the Father who is behind you. I am with you always, even to the end of the world. I am Jesus, who suffered for you, who died for you. No man has greater love than this, to give his life for his friends.
Can you understand God's heart, Carl, His anxious, aching heart? Since the beginning of time He has been walking the bloody pathway of thorns and broken dreams, searching for His children. Those of us who are faithful fail to realize the precious value of such faith. Love is not just an ideal or a goal to strive towards, but a reality that needs to be lived.
Do not take lightly the path that you tread or give way to the cares of the material world. You know how people like to shop and buy things, but when they bring their purchases home, they feel empty again and all their money is spent. It is a false reality, an illusion, but they fall into it again and again.
Then God looks at His children, the ones who are dedicated to changing all this. How much are they dedicated? Do they witness and have courage to speak to people? Inasmuch as you do it for my brethren, you do it for me.
What about God's children, the ones whom He is counting on? If their mouths are shut and their hearts are empty, then what possible hope can God have for this world, considering the corruption of minds already ravaged by decadence and fallen standards? Ways that seem right to the people of this world often are, in fact, the ways of death. How much I strove during my life on earth to awaken people to righteousness! Now God looks at His children again and sees how feeble their efforts are. They lack courage to witness and zeal to spread this tremendous message, the Principle.
We are like thieves before God, Carl, not honest men. We want the blessings, the spiritual feedback, but we don't want to carry the cross. Do you remember Simon of Cyrene? When my cross got too heavy, he carried it for me. If you don't carry the cross, you will never meet the person God has prepared to assist you. Day follows day, sunup after sundown, but there is no change, no real substantial change. The world is dying, falling down, and God's children don't have the strength to lift it up. We are all too concerned with keeping our noses clean, and not concerned enough with living for the sake of others. In my life, I tried to set the highest standard, knowing that my life was to be a historical one. God's children, the ones He has chosen for this time, don't know, don't realize their potential and their responsibility.
The longer you wait, the more the work piles up -- mountains of it -- that faith alone simply cannot move. Father has taught you often enough about human responsibility; now it's up to you. Every day God is looking, watching His children, hoping to see some signs of progress. Yet how feeble His hope is, because His own children don't connect and are not sensitive to or in tune with His feelings!
Sunup follows sundown, and honestly speaking, what have we done? If we continue this way, the world will surely perish. Wake up my children, wake up from your sleep! Look around you and get busy with what God has given you to do. As much as you turn away from it and shove it aside, it will come back again. It will never go away until you tackle it responsibly.
I am Jesus who carried the cross. It was a heavy cross, Carl. What are you doing with yours? We will not leave you alone to perish. We care for you and we died for you, my brother Heung Jin Nim and I. We will not leave you to waste your own lives. We will not permit it! Remember my seriousness, and do not continue in ignorance of spirit-world intervention at this time, made possible through Heung Jin Nim's ascension.
Are there any of you listening to this whose eyes and ears are open? Listen and repent, renew and rededicate yourselves while there is still time. Listen to those who know these things, who understand -- your elder brothers in faith, Jesus and Heung Jin Nim. We cannot leave you to continue blindly in ignorance. You may try to forget, but we will remind you again. The work you have to do will not go away simply because you do not wish to do it. We are watching, Carl, watching you all.
This is not the time for your own way; this is the time for Father's way, to do the things he has taught you. We will come again. Do you think we will forget? We cannot leave you to just go your own private ways, with your own private interpretation of the precious truth from God. This is Father's Principle, and you must all go Father's way, not your own.
It is truly tragic to see those who have let go after so many years. Where is your faith, the faith to kindle God's love in others? Do not walk the streets expecting some handout or blessing. This is a serious time. We have to witness. To break through the coldness, we have to speak. So speak, all of you! Open your hearts and speak to your people if you love them. There is no other way to go. Please listen to this message and let not your days be wasted.
Pray for a witnessing spirit. Get down on your knees, all of you, in humbleness to God. Pray that He can use you, that your lives may not be lived in vain. You must surely pray so that you can witness, so that you can teach. From that base alone, God will begin to work with you.
What other words do you possibly expect? You don't know your own shortcomings. Do not be looking for sweet words at this time. When the job is done, we will surely rejoice together. Until then, it is a long, hard road; you cannot expect it to be any other way than the way of the cross. Pray! Get down on your knees in humbleness before God. Repent for your sins and pray that He can use you.
In the name of God and True Parents,
Your elder brother Jesus