The Words of the Ablong Family |
Dear Philippine Brothers and Sisters,
We only have 3 days left before the first Philippine Unification Church Members in Japan Convention at Fujinnomiya Shimin Bunka Kaikan in Shizuoka Ken on Sunday, March 28th from 9-3 pm.
Thanks to all those who gave their comments earlier. I am sorry if I haven't really answered you yet. Let me just answer you through the work that I have done so far to incorporate your precious ideas. You can see that most of your comments are there already. If you don't see the answers to your comments in the latest work that I have done then it is either I have kept them for a reason or I have placed them somewhere in the document. Answers to comments related to election procedures and council composition could be found in the Constitution and By Laws. So I suggest that you read those drafted documents and let me know if there are duplications, confusing or dubious sentences.
I did some revisions on the UCPM-J Manual to give way for very reasonable and purposeful ideas. I also added the following to the draft: programs, functional chart of organization and others.
Here are some other updates:
1. The Registration Fee of Y1,000 is for venue and food expenses.
2. You need to read and bring a printed copy of these documents during the Convention:
Draft of the Philippine Unification Church Ministry in Japan Manual. I already made some very important changes to the program and manual based on comments of brothers and sisters especially from Dr. Allan Cadano. More comments are still needed. It's fine if you prefer to say your comments during the convention. But doing it before could help us move faster. If we want to make it better for everyone, we need to read it beforehand. Read it. Write your comments or questions if you have them now.
Draft of the Constitution and By Laws. You might want to compare the points raised in the manual with the By Laws and see if there are inconsistencies or questionable points that you want to be clarified, modified or deleted. This really took so much of my time that I was not able to answer comments or give thank yous to those who sent them (especially Kuya Allan Cadano, sorry Kuya). I am not perfect and honestly, I am not very consistent yet in some aspects of my life and writings although I am trying to do that everyday, like most people do. Remember that the consistency of the original document will not be about me but about us because it will be the result of our collective effort --- not just mine. I do not have a monopoly of ideas. I have only 2 eyes and one brain. More eyes and brains working on one document are better than a pair of bespectacled eyes and a sleepy cerebrum. Together we can make the document consistent. Remember that we are all in this together.
3. Please bring the following things aside from your other personal things on Sunday, if you can:
Personal Computer
Writing Materials
Printed copies of the PUCM-J Manual (First Draft) and the First Draft of the PUCM-J Constitution and By Laws
Prepared questions and ideas about vision, mission and goals; programs and activities; business ideas and facilities that we can use for free or at a minimal prize in Japan. We have about 4 or 5 blessed Philippine members who are successful in their businesses here in Japan. We can learn from them, too.
4. Foreword for the Constitution and By-Laws
The PUCM-J Constitution and By Laws are not final. We have to work together to make it better and useful for all of us. It explains who we are, what we are, how we govern ourselves so we can accomplish our objectives and so on.
Articles I - IV basically states our preamble of faith, name and identity, articles and covenant of our faith, that we are fundamentally inspired by the untiring love and sacrifice of the Living God and our True Parents, the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon.
Articles V -- XII lays down the basic ministry objectives and provisions for membership, officers, function and responsibilities, composition of the Councils and auxiliary components. The idea of having a Council in the national and regional level was suggested in an earlier proposal addressed to the new National Leader of the Unification Movement-Philippines, Engr. Jun Basuil last February 16, 2010.
Articles XIII - XIV expresses the main directions of our Continental Director for leadership selection in the national ministry. They were given to harmonize the balance between the northern and southern islands with the central region of the ministry. The three regions symbolize the unity of God, True Parents and Blessed Central Families in the creation of ideal world. It also symbolizes common purpose, co-existence and co-prosperity, and so on.
Articles XV - XX provides a common ground for us to meet and to develop measures and solutions to common events and challenges that we face here in Japan. These articles give us the rules and remedies to modify our legal and constitutional existence as a group that is entirely motivated by our conscience and conviction to allow God and True Parents to use us for the betterment of the life of our fellow citizens, other nationalities and the great people of Japan.
Let us all work together to make this Manual and Constitution and By Laws truly the work of God using our faith and experiences as His Children to build it completely for the realization His Will and Purpose on Earth and in Heaven.
Together we can make it better. Please find attached documents for your perusal.
Thank you.
Raffy Ablong
Attachment: Organization Chart for Philippine Unification Church Ministry in Japan