The Words of the Das Gracas Family |
For a long time I wanted to speak in public and proclaim that the Messiah is here and truly be proud of our True Parents of Humankind of how great they are! It is so inspiring to hear that news about Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim having done in Korea that massive witnessing with many Japanese members and blessed families together proclaiming the arrival of the Second Advent of Christ, of True Parents.
Much more my eagerness to do same activity increased when I heard that the South London church everyday consistently are doing witnessing and doing proclamation rallies and meetings. I've told all this to some of our leaders and members here but only today could we finally go out and proclaim publicly to the people that Christ has come again!
I still cannot believe that at last we could do this in front of the big cathedral in a famous place in downtown of São Paulo city where the big statue of St. Paul is standing.
This is the fruit of our home group meetings; where a few blessed families were united to do this marvelous and historic event! So liberating and so inspiring for me and for all others who were there, a total of 12 members, blessed and non-blessed members, 1st and 2nd generation.
This has strengthened so much my faith, my conviction and my love towards God and our True Parents and has given me much more life! I could feel so happy that I could say to people openly that the Messiah is here alive and people naturally asking, "Is he the one on that big poster?" And I could proudly say, "YES!"
And people were asking, "Will you be here again on Saturday?" And we said, "No. But we'll do again one Saturday next month, once a month we will do." And people were saying, "Oh, why not every week you do?" And we smiled, deeply grateful how they welcomed the breaking news of True Parents being on earth.
We invited people to our Wednesday evening home group meetings and to our Proclamation Meeting on October 17, 2010 in our home group venue.
Thank you so much, dear God and our True Parents for the great experience today.