America's Destiny Tour - One
Family Under God - Hope - Harmony - Healing - Yeon Ah Choi Moon
(Claudette Kambara - June 7, 2007)
Charleston, West Virginia Family
Church holds Special Grace Ceremony (Claudette Kambara -
August 14, 2016 pdf)
Claudette Kambara relentlessly
strives for the growth of her tribe of 430 couples (Michael
Balcomb - June 29, 2017 pdf)
UPF WV Discusses True Character,
Leadership and Good Governance (Claudette Kambara - July 29,
2017 pdf)
Passing of Tsukasa and Claudette
Kambara (Naokimi Ushiroda - January 1, 2021 pdf)
Dear Tsukasa and Claudette
Kambara, Thank You for Your Accomplishments (Mary Jane Despres
- January 1, 2021 pdf)
I felt the hearts of Claudette and
Tsukara Kambara toward their mentally ill son who murdered them
(Mary Anglin - January 2, 2021 pdf)
Announcing the Seonghwa Ceremony
for Tsukasa and Claudette Kambara (Naokimi Ushiroda - January
7, 2021 pdf)
Seunghwa of our ascended brother
and sister Tsukasa and Claudette Kambara (Naokimi Ushiroda -
January 7, 2021 pdf)
Note of thanks from the Kambara
Family (Sarah and the Kambara sisters (Choon, Rebekah,
Jessica) - January 11, 2021 pdf)
In Memory of Tsukasa and Claudette
Kambara (Yun-A Johnson - January 14, 2021 pdf)