HDFC Prayer Breakfast - Kodiak,
Alaska (Nelson Mira - March 31, 2007)
Inaugural National Ocean Challenge
Program, Kodiak, Alaska (Nelson Mira - July 7, 2009)
Honoring Rev. Sun Myung Moon on the
First Anniversary of His Passing (Nelson Mira - August 1, 2013
Job Opportunity- Seattle Pastor
(Nelson Mira - March 6, 2015 pdf)
Unificationists in Seattle kicked off
outreach activities (Nelson Mira - May 12, 2015 pdf)
What Unificationists Believe: A
Glimpse at the Core Teachings of the Unification Church by Nelson
Mira (Larry Moffitt - June 19, 2015 pdf)
Peace Road 2015 - Seattle, WA
(Nelson Mira - July 24, 2015 pdf)
National Marriage Blessing Is
Celebrated in Seattle, Washington (Nelson Mira - October 3,
2015 pdf)
Seattle Family Church Celebrates 777
Couples’ 45th Anniversary with David and Takeko Hose and
Moon Hye Seuk and Joon Ho Seuk (Nelson Mira - October 24, 2015
Seattle, Washington celebrates True
Heavenly Parent’s Day 2016 (Nelson Mira - February 8,
2016 pdf)
Foundation Day Marriage Blessing in
Seattle, WA (Nelson Mira - February 19, 2016 pdf)
Seattle, Washington Family Church
conducted its first Special Grace Ceremony (Nelson Mira -
August 14, 2016 pdf)
Seattle Family Church's Spanish
Divine Principle Workshop with Nancy Makowski (Nelson Mira -
February 19, 2017 pdf)
Seattle Youth Ministry Weekend Divine
Principle Retreat and Service Project (Nelson Mira - December
2, 2017 pdf)
Graduation ceremony was held for ten
Il Shim participants in Seattle, Washington (Nelson Mira -
October 20, 2019 pdf)
Seattle, WA Family Church: Sunday
Services Changes due to COVID-19 outbreak (Nelson Mira - March
14, 2020 pdf)
Family Bonding and Spirituality
during the Coronavirus in Renton, Washington (Nelson and
Satomi Mira - March 25, 2020 pdf)
Seattle, WA's new fulltime pastor is
Rosie Dijan (Nelson Mira - July 3, 2020 pdf)
Seattle Family Church: Re-opening of
Ballard Church beginning on July 19th (Ray McCready - July 16,
2020 pdf)