The Words of the Sawamukai Family

A Great Pioneer Of America, Mr. Ryoji Sawamukai Has Passed Into The Spirit World

Michael Jenkins
January 31, 2008

Dear Family,

A truly great pioneer of America from Japan has transitioned to the spirit world. He was in the first group of Japanese leaders that came to America with Mr. Kamiyama. He is beloved to all Koreans, Japanese and Americans. Elder Americans have deeply profound respect and fond memories of Mr. Sawamukai as an Elder that truly loved Americans and trained so many Americans as a great leader of MFT and later in the business area.

We pray for him and his family. Below is the basic information and the Seung Hwa schedule.

In the Love of True Parents
Rev. Michael Jenkins
National Pastor
Family Church of America

Mr. Ryoji Sawamukai, 777 couple and one of the original 12 Japanese members whom TP called to come to US in 1971 to help pioneer for American movement (taking responsibility for the MFT for many years), has ascended into the spirit world in New Jersey this evening, about 8 PM, on January 30. His Seung Hwa Ceremony is going to be held at the New Jerusalem Family Church, 78 De Mott Ave., Clifton, NJ 07011, starting at 9 AM tomorrow on February 1.

For those who wish to send flowers or offering:

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