The Words of the Swearson Family |
One Family Under God - Hope - Harmony - Healing - Mrs. Jun Sook Kwak Moon
Carl Swearson
May 27, 2007
The "America's Destiny, One Family Under God Tour" began with heartfelt musical selections from Omahans Mike Walker and Rachel Curtin.
Then Rev Carl Swearson, District 8's District Director gave Welcoming remarks and introduced our MC, Rev. Levy Daugherty.
Reverend Daugherty raised the spiritual atmosphere through the Holy Burning and Holy Juice ceremonies, which the audience wholeheartedly participated in, and praised the holiness of the family.
A delicious meal was served while we heard about the United Federation of Churches.
The program moved very quickly and smoothly to the appointment of two new Ambassadors for Peace in Omaha and encouragement for others to participate. After an energetic and high-spirited musical selection by the Ministers for A Change and Rev. Ollie Kendricks' Youth Choir, Rev. Jesse Edwards prepared the atmosphere for our keynote speaker, Mrs. Jun Sook Kwak Moon.
The audience, composed of Hindus, Muslims and Christians of various denominations, listened attentively. Many were moved deeply.
The program concluded with a gift presentation by the Welcome Committee and signing the Declaration of Peace.