One Family Under God - Hope -
Harmony - Healing - Mrs. Jun Sook Kwak Moon (Carl Swearson -
May 27, 2007)
One Family Under God - Hope -
Harmony - Healing - Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon (Carl Swearson - May
29, 2007)
Two Coffin Experience Testimonies
(Carl Swearson - April 29, 2010)
Young Unificationist Couple Joe
Swearson and Erika Menning Interviewed on Connecticut Talk Radio
(Emily Cornier and Yoshie Manaka - March 6, 2012 pdf)
The Power of Forgiveness
(Carl Swearson - March 11, 2012 pdf)
Lovin' Life Sermon Notes –
March 11, 2012 (Carl Swearson)
About District 8 Pastor Carl
Swearson (January 2013)
Announcement of New Pastoral
Appointments: Hyungtae Ha, David Rendel, Carl Swearson, Jean
Pierre Sonna, Ndassi Yorkzarh and Achille Acolatse (Ki Hoon
Kim and Michael Balcomb - May 5, 2016 pdf)
Iowa Family Church Special Grace
Ceremony (Carl Swearson - August 14, 2016 pdf)
Appreciating Iowa Family Church's
Pastor Carl Swearson (Daniel Eston - November 12, 2016 pdf)
Samuel Swearson of the University
of Iowa Receives Hyo Jeong Scholarship (Hyungtae Ha - February
26, 2017 pdf)