The Words of the van der Stok Family |
Dear Teddy [Verheyen], Pauline and family,
Here we are again at last, after six weeks. We are still "doing our best" and looking for our spiritual children every day, also in the evenings, when I go from door at flat buildings to sell the first chapter. Since early August 358 copies of first chapters have been sold for RO-20 (f1.00) each. During lunchtime and after work I still talk to people and give them a pamphlet.
We are now busy printing over a thousand first chapters, and while I have a week free from work (the Bank still owed me six days) this week, I will fast eight days until mid-Friday for a new beginning: our first member in the Center.
We have also regularly placed different advertisements in the paper. From October 1st Susan will also look after another three children during the day to help (her sister's) financially.
This past week Wanda had a small nose ear operation to remove her adenoids and on Tuesday Susan will go for probably three days to hospital for the removal of a varicose vein in her leg. So apart from the printing work during those three days I will also have to do "babysitting".
Yesterday we had here for the first time two African gentlemen to hear part of the first chapter. The one works in the Netherlands Bank with me and the other has read most of the first four chapters, but has not much time to come because he works every day for his church. They were both positive and will come again. The one, who is a preacher, also wanted me to give lectures to his church members. But this meeting could only take place the third time: twice before I went to fetch them by car, but something came in between and they couldn't come.
We are working and saving hard because next year I would like to take a few months unpaid leave from the Bank to be able to do this work full time to speed up the finding of our spiritual children, as we realize the time is now urgent!
We are happy to hear that you have so many good members in Holland at the moment. Please send our love to the whole Holland family, also to Herman and Corrie in Greece and Bert in Israel.
Love and prayers to you both in the Name of our True
Susan and Wouter