Testimony from Berkeley
(Elke Klaiwater (van der Stok) - August 15, 1963)
Missionary Journey to Germany
(Elke Klawiter (van der Stok) and Paul and Cristel Werner - May
11, 1964)
Testimony (Johan van der
Stok - February 26, 1966)
Unity (A Sermon) (Johan van
der Stok - New Age Frontiers, July 1967)
Our Leader’s Visit To
Germany - First European Blessed Couples (Elke van der Stok -
March 29, 1969)
On street corner, Johan has
finished 30 days lecturing (Johan and Elke Van der Stok -
November 24, 1969)
Some socialist students are now
studying the Divine Principles (Johan and Elke Van Der Stok -
January 28, 1970)
This is our first report from
South Africa (Susan van der Stok - July 26, 1970)
In South Africa we are blessed
in many ways and although some things are difficult (Susan van
der Stok - September 7, 1970)
Johan and I gave out pamphlets
(Susan and Wouter van der Stok - December 16, 1970)
The first three months in South
Africa were not easy (Susan and Wouter van der Stok - January
13, 1971)
In Middelburg, we hope to make
soon a center (Margot and Frank van der Stok - April 4, 1971)
We are printing over a thousand
copies of first chapter (Susan and Wouter van der Stok -
November 15, 1971)
Here in South Africa we are
searching for spiritual children (Wouter van der Stok -
December 2, 1971)
We will be moving to the center
of Cape Town (Wouter van der Stok - September 16, 1972 pdf)
Working in a Muslim Country
(Johan van der Stok - March 1974 pdf)
Overcoming Suffering by Faith -
The Story of the Van Der Stok Family - Part 1 (Moes van der
Stok - April 22, 1990 pdf)
Overcoming Suffering by Faith
- The Story of the Van Der Stok Family - Part 2 (Margot "Moes"
van der Stok - April 22, 1990 pdf)
Children's Education (Elke
Van Der Stok - April 12, 2010)
Bard Free Press Bigotry and
Inaccuracies (Sammi Vanderstok - November 2010)
Discrimination and Errors in
"World Religions Today" textbook by John L. Esposito,
Darrell J. Fasching and Todd Lewis (Sammi Vanderstok -
December 2010)
Taking (Vander)stok of Things
(Sammi Vanderstok - January 26, 2012 pdf)
Marist College Baccalaureate
Graduation Speech (Sammi Vanderstok - May 18, 2012 pdf)
What makes me me? (Sammi
Vanderstok, Tanya Triggol and Janie Kinney - June 2012)
Morals and Messages from Harry
Potter: Lesson Learned (Sammi Vanderstok - August 5, 2013 pdf)
Testimony / autobiography of
Wouter and Susan van der Stok including Margo (Moes) and Frank van
der Stok (Gromoes and Grootvader) (June 15, 2014 pdf)
Happy Ascension Dearest Wouter
van der Stok (Lazarus Muthimba - May 19, 2018 pdf)
From Japanese Prison Camp Child
Survivor to UC Missionary in South Africa (Wouter Van Der Stok
- July 4, 2018 pdf)
The Unity and Cosmic Indemnity
of our Unification Church Missionaries Wouter Vanderstok and Kazuo
Yokoi - Restoring Japanese Atrocities in Indonesia (John Brady
- July 4, 2018 pdf)
From Japanese Prison Camp
Survivor to UC Missionary in South Africa [Part 2] (Wouter Van
Der Stok - July 12, 2018 pdf)
Early Days in America and
Europe - Part 1 (Elke van der Stok - Republished by FFWPU
International Headquarters, August 22, 2022 pdf)
Early Days in America and
Europe - Part 2 (Elke van der Stok - Republished by FFWPU
International Headquarters, August 26, 2022 pdf)