The Words of Hyo Jin Moon |
Hyo Jin Moon
December 2, 2007 7:00 am
Here are my notes from Hyo-Jin-nim's speech Sunday 02 December 2007. My ability to convey what was actually said is limited. These, at most, convey some sense of what Hyo-Jin-nim said and are not a verbatim record. To see projects that Hyo-Jin-nim is working on log on to: definingmoment.tv/
Joe Kinney
Rev. Andrew Compton is the MC. All welcome Hyo-Jin-nim and Yeon Ah-nim and offer a standing bow.
(Hyo-Jin-nim bows to the audience as he approaches the stage.)
Good morning. (Good morning)
Crazy day huh? (It had started snowing heavily) (Laughter)
The topic is gratitude.
Crazy day.
What are you grateful for?
Until you are a little teenager you have no concept of gratitude. Because if you have just left the nipple I don't think you have a concept of gratitude.
It's when you start to struggle to find yourself that you understand the concept of gratitude.
And you ask yourself "What are you struggling for?"
I mean you can be fortunate enough to come into a concept where you can be the richest man on earth. How do you start to feel that gratitude? Let's say you're going to inherit, because your parents are so rich, billions of dollars. How are you going to feel gratitude?
Let's say that you came up with some kind of scheme and it's making lots of money, and you feel rich. Why? Because people are buying into your scheme. So how do you feel gratitude?
Think about even the simple scenario, how does one feel gratitude? Do they actually feel gratified in something? If and why? Think about it. How would they feel those things? What's the trick, what's the thing that will make those people, if you're in that situation, make them feel gratified?
Basic things we need to question and answer for ourselves. We have to do that, and it has to be clear, because no one else is going to live your life. Some things are basic and those things YOU MUST KNOW THE ANSWER. (Emphasizing each word with a tap on the podium)
(From this point Hyo-Jin-nim's voice was filled with emotion and tears ran down his cheeks.)
Only then can you understand what gratitude is. Because you live, YOU live. You don't live by someone else's name. You don't live because of someone else's existence.
You live. because you live, and that's important, and that's what you should be grateful for. That's where it starts. You can't be somebody else.
What am I grateful for? You tell me. If you want to build an Ideal world, then understand that first. (taps podium several times) and from that, you move. You build and that's a step. It's a long process, but that's what you have to accept, because finding yourself is a difficult process, something you can be grateful for. You feel that? Keep on looking.
Someone does somewhere. Everybody has that stuff. You know what I'm saying? What am I grateful for? What is that stuff? What is that? What is my best? I know you have it.
God is fair and God is good. He gave you goodness. What is that stuff? That's your duty to yourself. Because if you don't understand that there's no possibility so what's the point of trying. You're going to fail anyway.
So unless you -- unless you understand the basics and give yourself the opportunity to succeed. You HAVE TO KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GRATEFUL FOR in life, while you're breathing. OK?
If somebody asks you that question, you'd better know how to answer that stuff. Otherwise, don't believe in God. Do that first.
You don't live that long you guys! I'm telling you!
So you need to be grateful for what you are.
You want something more? Why? Why do you want something more when you can feel gratitude?
Because you want to be like that guy, or that guy, or that guy, or that guy, that guy, that guy? (Each time pointing in a different direction with either of his hands like pretending to shoot two pistols.) You're an out-law huh? A gunslinger huh?
Don't be stupid. That's what you're doing, basically, if you do that. You're gun-slinging. You want to be an outlaw.
Why? What's the point? Do you want to go to jail in the end? Do you want to kill yourself because you can never reach that goal?
People do plastic surgery. There's a lot of TV shows about that, (laughing) it's crazy stuff! And it's popular to some people. WHY? ...
There's actually a show, "Beauty to the Beast" or something like that. They literally just cosmetically transform people. They rate who's better looking in the end! It's crazy stuff! That's the ideal world, huh? Well that's the ideal world, I guess, in America.
You can do that, but is that how you're going to make everything ideal? That's the definition of crazy stuff. That's what makes little young girls sick. Right? (Yes)
And you watch that stuff, and why do you watch it? Because everybody wants to be like that? The cool kids. What the hell is cool anyway?
I used to chase that stuff too, when I was little, but you get old and that stuff doesn't mean anything to you anymore. Why? What do you think of? You try to live for the sake of others. Right?
That's what's good. Right?
That's why.
And it is difficult.
Trust me; I know how to take care of myself. I know how to service me good. But as you get older, that's not important.
You know you're dying and the basic questions are more important than what you see.
And you will die. (Whispering)
So be grateful for what you have and the life that you live.