The Words of Hyo Jin Moon |
Ascension of Hyo Jin Moon
Chang Shik Yang
March 17, 2008
To: District Directors, State Directors, All Blessed Central Families
From: Dr. Chang Shik Yang and Rev. Michael Jenkins
Date: March 17, 2008
Re: Ascension of Hyo Jin Moon
We ask that all Blessed Families and members join in prayer at this time upon the occasion of our beloved elder brother Mr. Hyo Jin Moon's passing into the spirit world. Hyo Jin Nim ascended at 9:46 AM (Korean time) on March 17, 2008. A world-level Seunghwa Ceremony will be held. We offer our deepest condolences and heart to embrace True Parents and True Family at this time.
1) Hyo Jin Nim's Passing and Special Calligraphy of True Parents
Mr. Hyo Jin Moon passed into the spirit world on the morning of March 17, 2008, due to a heart attack (myocardial infarction). True Parents wrote a special message for him:
Shimcheon Kaebang Won Choonghyo Kaemoon Joo
which can be translated into English (approximately) as "He will open and liberate the deepest heaven and turn it into a flower garden as the lord who opens the gates of loyalty and filial piety."
2) Special Prayers to be held in Belvedere, Washington DC National Cathedral and all District Headquarters Churches.
Each District Headquarters will create a special altar and organize continuous prayer during this time. A special service will be held at each location corresponding to the time of the Seung Hwa Ceremony in Korea (Korea time: 7:00 AM, March 19th - this corresponds to 6:00 PM Eastern Time on March 18.) Rev. Grodner will be responsible for the special altar and prayer schedule at Belvedere, Rev. Francis will be responsible for the altar at the Washington
DC Family Church National Cathedral.
Special services should also be conducted by church pastors and ministers around the nation, under the guidance of the District Directors. All members are urged to participate in the prayer services and schedule their attendance with the District Headquarters.
3) Seunghwa Ceremony in Korea
a) Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2008, 7:00 AM (Korean time)
b) Location: Main Hall, Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center
c) Participants: Regional presidents, national messiahs, leaders from overseas, local leaders and members.
d) Attire:
i) Men: Black or dark-colored suit, white necktie
ii) Women: White-colored hanbok (holy robes) White or cream-colored suits should not be worn this time.
4) Wonjeon Ceremony
a) Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2008, 11:00 a.m. (Korean time)
b) Location: Paju Wonjeon
Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Continental Director
FFWPU North America
Rev. Michael Jenkins