Sun Myung Moon and Chang Shik Yang go fishing |

Hak Ja Han Moon during her speaking tour, April 8, 2000 |

Hak Ja Han Moon receives an award Minneapolis, MN, during her speaking tour, April 2000 |

Hak Ja Han Moon addresses the audience in Chicago IL, April 11, 2000 during her speaking tour of the USA. |

Hak Ja Han cuts the victory cake after her address, "The Path for America and Humanity in the Last Days" in Oakland, California, April 14, 2000. |

Hak Ja Han Moon receives a plaque comerating her address in Los Angeles, CA, April 15 ,2000. |

Hak Ja Han Moon speaks during her tour, April 16 ,2000. |

Hak Ja Han Moon salutes the audience with cake, April 18 ,2000. |

Hyun Jin Moon speaks on March 31, 2000, at his inauguration as the President of World CARP. |

Kendra Anderson presents Hak Ja Han Moon flowers in Los Angeles, CA, April 15 ,2000 after Mrs. Moon's address. |

Mrs. Sun Myung Moon speaking in Atlanta, GA on April 17, 2000, during her speaking tour of the USA. |

Hak Ja Han Moon receiving an award in New York, April 19,2000, the last city of here USA speaking tour. |

The Nation of Islam awards Hak Ja Han Moon in New York, April 19,2000, during her USA speaking tour. |

Hak Ja Han Moon on the sage in Lincoln Center, New York, April 19,2000. |

Alexa Fish Ward introducing WFWP at Hak Ja Han Moon's New York appearance during Mrs. Moon's USA speaking tour, April 19,2000 |
Address to International Leaders Meeting (Sun Myung Moon) |
Inaugural Speech (Hyun Jin Moon) |
Our Path in the New Millennium (Chang Shik Yang) |
How to be a Successful Spouse (Jung Ro Yoon) |
Dear Saint Valentine |
Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon speaks in New Yorks Lincoln Center |
Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon Speaks in Oakland |
Hyun Jin Moon inaugurated as new President of World CARP |
In Memoriam Sanae Tully |
Life in the Spirit World and on Earth: A Critique and Counterproposal |
McKnights Release Irish CD |
National Freedom |
National Parents Day in California |
Pearl Magazine |
Stories About True Parents |
Stranger in an Even Stranger Land: Report on an Anti-Cult Conference |
The Last Days |
The Principled Academy |
True Mother Comes to Atlanta |
True Mother in Chicago |
True Mother in Los Angeles |
True Parents' New Soccer Team Wows Brazil |
University of Bridgeport News |