Unification News for March 2004 |
Era of the Settlement of the Cosmic Parent, Parents of Heaven and Earth and Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind
Korean leaders and the peace ambassadors representing seven nations in Korea joined True Parents for Pledge Service and Hoondokhae at Hannam-dong on Sunday, February 22. This day was the anniversary of Fathers' imprisonment in North Korea, the 36th Anniversary of the 430 couples blessing and the anniversary of the day of Unification of the spiritual and physical worlds (1982).
In his special prayer True Father proclaimed the "Era of the Settlement of the Cosmic Parent, Parents of Heaven and Earth and Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind."
True Father said that until now God has been unable to claim any thing as His own, because everything was dominated by Satan through the fall of the first human ancestors. But mow, centering on True Parents' worldwide, victorious foundation to restore all things back to God's realm, as the number 4 and the number 6 on the earth and in the spirit world were united, liberating the number 10, this day became a happy day to proclaim the beginning of the "Era of the Settlement of the Cosmic Parent, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind," liberating God as the eternal Owner of the entire cosmos.
The meaning of this day, February 22, in the 4th year of Cheon Il Guk, can be found in the number 6 centering on the number 4. From this day on, the era of safe settlement of the Cosmic Parent, the Parents of Heaven and Earth and the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind shall begin.
Thus, the invisible God in the spirit world has appeared in the substantial True Parents, and centering on this, the foundation for all things of the entire spirit world to freely engage in activities on earth has been made. Since this day falls on the numbers 4 and 6, the numbers for indemnity and liberation, the True Parents who have appeared on earth as the substantial embodiment of God on the foundation of the safe settlement and liberation of the Comic Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, can through indemnity, make level all the walls created in the era of the individual, family, tribe, and cosmos from the Garden of Eden. As we designate this day to indemnify the number 6 on the foundation of the family, the four-position foundation, we pray for the complete settlement of the Cosmic Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. Thus we must know that the gates of the liberated heaven on earth and in heaven have been opened along with the spirit world and the family of the safe settlement of the Cosmic Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.
Repeat after me. God's desire was to perfect the Cosmic Parent, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. This could be realized when the entire universe becomes God's universe by having Adam's family inherit God's love, life and lineage, thus bringing about the start of the blessed family which is God's ideal of creation. As we designate this day on this foundation, on this day I proclaim this after the establishment of the liberated realm of the number 10, which is a combination of the numbers 4 and 6 of the physical world and world of heaven.
In joy we pray that you become the eternal owner of the family kingdom of heaven, greater than the king of kings who reigns for eternity with the sovereignty of the Cosmic Parents of Heaven and Earth, the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind who can reign over the entire universe after inheriting the position of the liberated owner on the foundation of True Parents' hard work. In the name of True Parents, I proclaim that the central kingdom, and liberation of all nations and the complete settlement of the Cosmic Parent, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind will advance to the infinite world of peace and eternity. We pray you accept this with joy and reign over all things on this foundation. This I report with joy in the name of True Parents. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you.
The declaration
It is the beginning of the era of transcending the family, centering on the family related with the unified realm of the Heavenly Parent and Earthly Parents. Now is springtime. It is the first spring that God has seen, and is the era that is for love and blessing on earth. The number six is based on the number four (four-position foundation). Today is the fourth Sunday (Sabbath) of this month and from now on it is the era of the absolute family, in which the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind can settle completely. Therefore you must become the owner of the family and you have to inherit heaven and earth from the Parents, pray and live for establishing the four-position foundation and clan on the family level. Please absolutely keep the Family Pledge.
Because the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have proclaimed this in the realm of heaven and earth, nobody can escape this heavenly fortune. Even though the satanic world has tried to oppose this, it is the time to enter into God's Realm, Parents of Heaven; automatically God's nation has began. Therefore the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind can work freely on the basis liberation of heaven and earth and cosmos. On this base we are entering the era of liberated Cheon Il Guk by unifying three generations of our families.
Because it is the family which is perfected centering on the perfection of the Family Pledge, from now on, God is not the owner; you who have families of heaven, earth and humankind, are the owners. Because Adam who lives on earth has the authority of the spirit world, he is the teacher at the same time as being installed as king. This time is therefore for moving toward a developed world, and thus it will be a peaceful region centering on God's kingdom.
A subject partner hopes that his second self, as the inheritor, will be better than he is. Please keep in mind that our families are the owners of Cheon Il Guk. Up to now, God could not say "We". Because He has not welcomed spring, He has not been able to use the word "We." Therefore you have to be families, which as owners sprout, blossom and bear fruits, and you have to be filial sons and daughters, and loyal citizens (patriots) as it was to have been 6000 years ago. If you do not follow this, you will perish. All of you who are participating in this special declaration should be grateful. Today is the foundation stone of tremendous blessing.
Spring is important. Please think that Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind are settling. Up to now we cannot use the word "we". You have to know that the words "My family", "Our family", are tremendously important. You have to be newly aware of yourselves. You have to understand that from now on, if you fall, you will fall into a more dreadful realm than where Adam went. All of you must not have cause to be ashamed of yourselves. Please welcome the spring, when we can shout mansei. Please be grateful for this fortune that can bear fruit eternally.
Don't speak casually. On such a spring day it is not good to say bad words. Make a new resolution! Because God's resolution is my resolution, we should say it in a very dignified manner. You have to know the amazing truth that from today, the starting base, in the spiritual and physical worlds, of the complete settlement of the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind in our family has been established. You have to live at that standard.
To whom does spring belong? It is "my" spring. It is to bequeath the position of Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind to the blessed families. God is the being of dual characteristics with masculine nature. He needs a body. He has to be the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind through the Parents of Heaven and Earth on earth. As a Parent, He could not appear as the Mother. From today, True Mother has the glory of appearing as His hyongsang (external form).
Absolute plus can create absolute minus. The families representing the 1st, 2nd and 3rd God, bearing and sons and daughters, have begun [to take] the position of Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. Thanks to the settlement of the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, we can bear fruit. Now we are the family of Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind
On February 22 of year 4 of Cheon Il Guk, the numbers 4 and 6 are the keys which Satan used to close up heaven. Today, therefore, the Cosmic Parent, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have appeared and these numbers have been completed. These add up to 10, which is the number of returning.
Now Yeosu-Suncheon is the city representing the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. I have more concern about Yeosu-Suncheon than about the U.S.A. and Korea. We can only achieve things by concentrating our thoughts on it. Please be a pioneer in welcoming the new spring. If you bear fruits you have to bring all of them in front of the owner. The sphere of the sovereignty of the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind belongs to the sons and daughters who are the complete representatives of the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.
Ambassadors for peace can stand in a position higher than Koreans if they have more patriotic hearts than Koreans. Now is the time to see the spiritual world. Please do your best in witnessing
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