Sun Myung Moon and some of the attendees of
First Special Workshop for Regional Drectors feed the fish at Yeong Pyong
Resort, Korea, February 19, 2004 |
Rev. Moon and participants in the First
Special Workshop for Regional Drectors view plans at Yeong Pyong Resort,
Korea, February 19, 2004 |
Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han are instructed
about a factory at the First Special Workshop for Regional Drectors held
at Yeong Pyong Resort, Korea, February 19, 2004 |
Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon tour a
factory during the First Special Workshop for Regional Drectors held at
Yeong Pyong Resort, Korea, February 19, 2004 |
Sun Myung Moon addresses graduates of Sun Myung
Moon University, February 27, 2004, Korea |
Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han pose in front
of their house in Korea, February 2004. |
Sun Myung Moon prays before giving a sermon,
Belvedere, Tarrytown, NY, circa 1980. |
Proclamation Prayer of March 8, 2004 (Sun Myung Moon) |
Era of the Settlement of the Cosmic Parent, Parents of Heaven and Earth and Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (Sun Myung Moon) |
Substantiating Culture Of Heart Through The Embodiment Of Core Values (Hyun Jin Moon) |
Substantiating the Culture of Heart through the Embodiment of the Core Values! YunKwon Yoo (Hyun Jin Moon) |
40-day Workshops for Blessed Wives is Given by God |
A Time for Prayer: A Time for Action |
Brazil: Family and Spiritual Education in Sports |
Conference on Peace UN Leadership and Activities |
Dedication Ceremony for Cheongshim Graduate School of Theology |
Dr. Jaekil Park Passed Peacefully Into Spirit World |
February 27 - March 1, 2004 |
India Prayer for Peace Candlelight Ceremony |
Jerusalem Video on Web |
Kansas City |
Kenya Inter-Religious Peace Week |
Los Angeles |
Making Your Woman Happy |
Pilgrimages to Jerusalem as Historical Lessons |
Preparing for the Cosmic Spring in Chicago |
Reflections of a Congregationalist Minister |
Science Fiction |
Seattle Sunday School Teacher’s Workshop |
Selma |
St. Louis |
The First Volume of W-CARP President Hyun Jin Moons Speeches! |
The Second Annual Interreligious Peace Sports Festival |
The work of Dr. Joshua Ben Ami, and a great meeting in Miami |
True Parents at Hannam-dong |
Winston-Salem |
World Sport Fishing Federation |