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The End of Communism
In the Divine Principle (1973) and in his speeches Rev. Moon emphasized that communism was doomed to collapse; however, the human portion of responsibility in making this happen was seen as crucial. In 1978, as Rev. Moon predicted, communism reached its high point. In 1979 with the emergence of resistance forces in the newly communized countries of Nicaragua and Afghanistan Soviet expansion had begun to face a serious barrier.
In 1988, as Rev. Moon predicted communism was "altogether ruined" as Rev. Moon had foreseen. In 1988, for the first time, the Soviets withdrew from a country that they had occupied (Afghanistan) and this led to further setbacks in Eastern Europe and within the Soviet Union itself. Without the work of Rev. Moon, it is very doubtful that this could have occurred at the time and at the pace that it did.
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