I put my hand down -- and
saw... - 4 page witnessing pamphlet (Gordon Ross - Circa 1967
Why Not? - Unified Family of
Berkley, California - 5 versions (Edwin Ang - Beginning circa
1969 pdf)
Dawn of a New Age - Unified
Family of Berkley, California - 12 versions (Edwin Ang -
Beginning circa 1969 pdf)
Toward a new heaven and a new
earth… - Unified Family, Berkley, CA - Witnessing flyer
(Edwin Ang - Circa July 1969 pdf)
A True Revolution? - The
Unified Family - Meeting Flyer for Cal Berkley - One copy stamped
for use on the University of California, Berkley (Edwin Ang -
October 17, 1969 pdf)
The old world is hell - The
Unified Family is the New World, Go There (Jon Schuart - Circa
1970 pdf)
Man has finally found: his
world has always been Upside Down- Berkeley, CA (Edwin Ang -
Circa 1970 pdf)
Why we are here… The
Unification Church - New Life Workshop - Witnessing pamphlet -
National witnessing literature (Philip Burley - Circa 1971
Integrated Psychic Phenomena -
A New Experimental Course - International Re-Education Foundation
- Flyer (Michael Young Warder - Circa 1971 pdf)
Students for World Unification
Survey (Betsy O'Brien [Cordill] and Jim Mallorey - October 27,
1971 pdf)
Full Circle: The Moral Force of
Unified Science - Pamphlet published by the Unification Church
(Edward Haskell - 1972 pdf)
Is Happiness For You? - Come
Celebrate Joy with Us - One World Crusade (Jon Scuhart - Circa
1972 pdf)
A New Kind of Church, the
Unification Church - Berkeley, CA (Alice Hellerstein and
Gregory Novalis - Circa November 1972 pdf)
The Search for Unity -
Witnessing booklet with list of centers and leaders (Neil
Salonen - 1972 pdf)
Questions: Good questions -
Important questions - Questions that deserve an answer- Berkeley,
CA (Alice Hellerstein and Gregory Novalis - Circa November
1972 pdf)
Application for Membership in
The Unification Church (Farley Jones - Circa 1973 pdf)
The D.C. Striders' Greatest
Victory - Pamphlet listing 240 D.C. Striders who have college
athletic scholarships - Also lists board of directors (Glenda
Moody - Circa 1973 pdf)
When your whole family spends
a day together is it like you're 10,000 miles apart? - Witnessing
flyer (Neil Salonen - Circa 1973 pdf)
People of Conscience Unite and
Mobilize - One World Crusade - Berkley, CA - Pamphlet (Joseph
Sheftick - Circa 1973 pdf)
Spiritual Phenomena and ESP:
Myth or Reality - Berkeley, CA (Joseph Sheftick - January 13,
1973 pdf)
The Divine Principle Home Study
Course - Six volumes that can change your life! - Pamphlet
(Neil Salonen - Circa 1974 pdf)
New Life Workshop - Sponsored
by Unification Church, Berkeley, CA (Edwin Hugh Spurgin -
Circa March 1974 pdf)
Till All My People Are One -
One World Crusade information pamphlet including directory
(Neil Salonen - Circa 1974 pdf)
Sun Myung Moon Christian
Crusade Presents: Celebration of Life documents Bo Hi Pak -
June 27, 1974 pdf
A New World's Coming -
Unification Church Washington DC - Witnessing pamphlet (Neil
Salonen - Circa 1975 pdf)
New Hope for New York - Volume
I, Issue II - Witnessing newsletter (Neil Salonen - June 21,
1975 pdf)
High School International
Family Association Newsletter - Good News Finally! - New York City
(Alice Cheney [Boutte] - July 1975 pdf)
International Family
Association - Stamp Out Pornography - Flyers - New York City
(Neil Salonen - July 18, 1975 pdf)
The Truth about the Reverend
Sun Myung Moon: An Official Statement by the Unification Church of
America (Neil Albert Salonen - Circa 1976 pdf)
The New Hope Herald, Vol. 1,
No. 2 - God's Hope for America - Witnessing newspaper (Neil
Salonen - February 25, 1976 pdf)
War Against Pornography - Rev.
Sun Myung Moon - Flyer (Neil Salonen - Circa August 1976 pdf)
Unification Church witnessing
pamphlets: Youth helping youth for a better future; Welcome to the
Divine Principle Seminar; Unification Principles Videotape viewing
guide; Unification Church, who we are (Neil Salonen - Circa
1977 pdf)
A Mother's Point of View -
Pamphlet for Parents of Unification Church Members (Peggy
Moffitt - Circa 1977 pdf)
Students for World Unification
- Berkeley, CA - Flyers: But who do you say I am - He Made Known
His Ways to Moses - Unification? - You Have a Choice (July 9,
August 13 Circa 1977 pdf)
The Unification Church of
America - Witnessing pamphlet (Neil Salonen - Circa 1977 pdf)
Home Church mail packet for use
in witnessing in the New York City area Won Pil Kim - Circa
1979 pdf
Unification Church witnessing
pamphlets created by Unification Church USA Headquarters: What is
God's favorite color?; Can a prophet be human?; In 1952 this was
Reverend Moon's Church; Maybe you've heard about Rev. Moon. But
have you ever heard him?; Let his followers speak for themselves
(Neil Salonen - Circa 1979 pdf)
Many Paths; One World
(Michael Beard - Circa 1979 pdf)
The Origin of Matter - Marxism
vs. Moonism - Victory Over Communism CARP pamphlet (Kiyoshi
Seino - Circa 1980 pdf)
Down Home Inn Witnessing
Literature - Sightseers... Backpackers... Travelers... Welcome to
New York! - You are invited to our guest seminar - Find out what's
happening at the Down Home Inn, A Musical Coffee House in the
heart of Manhattan - Open House Din (Neil Salonen - Circa 1980
World of Hope Festival - The
World Mission Center, NYC - Witnessing pamphlet used by Craig
Gaarder, WMC (Neil Salonen - Circa 1980 pdf)
First Annual World Tuna
Tournament - Gloucester, Boston, Provincetown Massachusetts
(Paul Werner - August 30, 1980 pdf)
CAUSA Flyer: Who knows where
the world is headed? Bo Hi Pak - Circa 1984 pdf
Study Global Interfaith
Principles for Peace and Harmony - Invitation Flyer (Staffan
Berg - October 1995 pdf)
Arizona's Twelfth Annual
Parents' Day Awards Dinner - Program (Staffan Berg - 1996 pdf)
Interfaith Principles for Peace
and Harmony - Invitation Flyer (Staffan Berg - March 1996 pdf)
Arizona, USA Chapters of IIFWP,
ACLC, WFWP Women for Peace Breakfast - Program (Staffen Berg -
June 25, 2004 pdf)
MEPI - Middle East Peace
Initiative - Flyer (Chang Shik Yang - Circa 2007 pdf)
Project Serve - Giving to
Guatemala - Fundraising Pamphlet (Jove Meyer - Hayward,
California - Circa May 2007 pdf)
Universal Peace Federation
Rally for the Restoration of the Homeland - Westin Hotel LAX, Los
Angeles - Flyer and literature used in Tempe, Arizona (Michael
Jenkins - May 7, 2006 pdf)
Global Peace Festival - The
Movement for Genuine Change - Washington, DC - Brochure
(Michael Jenkins - August 9, 2008 pdf)
Power of the Principle 7-Day
Workshop Experience - Flyer (Joshua Cotter - October 25, 2009
DP Masters - Group study of our
core teaching - Flyer (Jaga Gavin - November 5, 2009 pdf)
Leadership is Influence -
Influence is a skill that can be developed - Flyer (Staffan
Berg - March 2, 2012 pdf)
Strengthening Our Families One
Marriage at a Time - Witnessing Pamphlet (Michael Balcomb -
January 23, 2017 pdf)
Join Us for World Peace and
Unification - Witnessing pamphlet (Michael Balcomb - March 30,
2017 pdf)
Blessing One Million Americans
in Marriage - Supplies and forms (Demian Dunkley - June 27,
2017 pdf)
Marriage Blessing How-To Guide
(Demian Dunkley - April 26, 2018 pdf)
Website for Marriage Blessing -
bcmatching.org - Instructional Pamphlet (Gi Seong Lee - June
19, 2019 pdf)
World Clergy Leadership
Conference VIP Invitation - Booklet (Ki Hoon Kim and Luonne
Rouse - November 6, 2019 pdf)
Personalized bookmark template
to distribute with the book "Mother of Peace: A Memoir by Hak
Ja Han Moon" (Bento Leal - July 17, 2020 pdf)
Universal Peace Federation
Representative invitation to the Rally of Hope with posters and
lists of organizations (Thomas G. Walsh - September 24, 2020
Heaven Is a Love Kingdom - Get
a Blessed Marriage - Poster from FFWPU Norway (Steinar Murud -
December 4, 2020 pdf)