Founding Minutes of the Association
For Jewish Unificationists (Hod Ben-Zvi 12/3/93)
Matching Testimony of an Israeli
Brother (Hod Ben-Zvi - February 8, 2003 pdf)
Peace in the Middle East - MEPI
Report (Hod Ben-Zvi - October 28, 2006)
Young Italians Connect with
Israeli and Palestinian Youth (Hod Ben Zvi - January 14, 2008)
A Ceremony 0f Blessing for People
of the Druse Faith (Hod Ben Zvi - April 25, 2008)
Young Leaders Learn Peacemaking in
Israel and Palestine (Adrial Trombin and Hod Ben Zvi - July 1,
Young Palestinians and Israelis
Forge Paths of Peace in Italy (Hod Ben Zvi and Giorgio
Gasperoni - September 10, 2008)
Global Peace Festival Celebrates
the Holiday of Holidays in Haifa (Hod Ben Zvi - December 20,
National Peace Council of Israel:
2009 Report (Hod Ben Zvi - April 16, 2010)
Tel Aviv Forum: Contemporary
Aspects of National Resilience (Hod Ben Zvi - October 26, 2012
Jerusalem Forum on Interfaith
Cooperation and Understanding (Hod Ben Zvi - October 31, 2012)
Peace and Security Forum Considers
Israel's National Strategies (Hod Ben Zvi - December 25, 2012)
Forum on Syria and Egypt's Impact
on Israel's Security Measures (Hod Ben-Zvi - February 14,
Jerusalem Forum: The Crisis in
Syria and Its Regional Impact (Hod Ben-Zvi - October 16, 2013)
Israeli Youth Conduct a Religious
Youth Service Project (Koriel Ben Zvi and Liel Shmueli -
December 22, 2013 pdf)
Religious Youth Service's
Jerusalem Project (Koriel Ben Zvi and Liel Shmueli - January
FFWPU in Israel (Interview of
Hod Ben-Zvi - April 2014)
Jerusalem Interfaith Forum: The
Role and Responsibility of Religious Leaders (Hod Ben-Zvi -
April 8, 2014)
Jerusalem Peace and Security
Forum: Israel's Plan B for Solving the Israeli-Palestinian Crisis
(Hod Ben-Zvi - April 13, 2014)
Tenth Anniversary MEPI Pilgrimage
for Peace (Hod Ben-Zvi - May 16, 2014 pdf)
Jerusalem Peace and Security
Forum: Israel's Security Budget Planning (Hod Ben-Zvi - June
8, 2014)
Jerusalem Interfaith Forum:
Praying for Peace at the Kafr Kanna Wedding Church (Hod
Ben-Zvi - July 16, 2014)
Local and Visiting Youth Share
Perspectives at a Druze Community in Israel (Hod Ben-Zvi -
July 21, 2014 pdf)
Interfaith Prayers for Peace
between Israel and Gaza (Hod Ben-Zvi - July 30, 2014 pdf)
Sheik Samir Aasi - A True
Ambassador for Peace (Hod Ben-Zvi - November 20, 2014 pdf)
UPF Israel and Italy Collaborate
on Youth Soccer Exchange Project (Hod Ben-Zvi - March 19, 2015
UPF chapters of Israel and San
Marino invite a joint Arab-Jewish soccer team to play in Turin,
Italy (Hod Ben-Zvi - March 26, 2015 pdf)
Interfaith Forum Visits Terror
Victims, Condemns Terrorism (Hod Ben-Zvi - August 8, 2015 pdf)
Cooperation among Jewish and Arab
Local Councils (Hod Ben Zvi - August 16, 2015 pdf)
Jerusalem Forum Promotes
Educational Initiatives (Hod Ben Zvi - August 26, 2015 pdf)
Economic Relations between Israel
and the Middle East (Hod Ben Zvi - September 2, 2015 pdf)
International Day of Peace
Observed in Israel (Hod Ben Zvi - September 21, 2015 pdf)
Amid Rising Tensions, Forum
Promotes Friendship Among Religions (Hod Ben-Zvi - October 20,
2015 pdf)
Faith Leaders, Students Discuss
the Role of Educators in Times of High Tension (Hod Ben-Zvi -
October 27, 2015 pdf)
Jerusalem Peace & Security
Forum: Current Crisis of Arab Citizens of Israel (Hod Ben-Zvi
- November 4, 2015 pdf)
MEPI: Toward Resolving the
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Hod Ben-Zvi - December 3, 2015
Middle East Peace Initiative
Program on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Hod Ben-Zvi -
December 3, 2015 pdf)
Jerusalem Interfaith Forum Visits
Nazareth, Wedding Church for Christmas (Hod Ben-Zvi - December
27, 2015 pdf)
Interfaith Day at Seminar
Hakibbutzim College in Tel Aviv (Hod Ben-Zvi - January 6, 2016
200 Students, Teachers Participate
in Jerusalem Interfaith Forum Event (Hod Ben-Zvi - January 15,
2016 pdf)
UPF-Israel's New Ambassadors for
Peace (Hod Ben-Zvi - February 13, 2016 pdf)
Inspired by WFWPI prayer
condition, WFWP Israel holds Interfaith Event (Hod Ben-Zvi -
March 1, 2016 pdf)
Blessed children's workshop
'Forgive, Love and Unite' in Jerusalem, Israel (Hod Ben-Zvi -
April 28, 2016 pdf)
Peace Road 2016 in Israel (Hod
Ben-Zvi - August 1, 2016 pdf)
UPF's Jerusalem Interfaith Forum
launched the Peace Road 2016 in Israel (Hod Ben-Zvi - August
1, 2016 pdf)
The Advantages of Forums --
Interview of Hod Ben-Zvi of UPF-Israel (Seog Byung Kim -
February 2017 pdf)
Israel's Middle School Blessed
Children 3-Day Workshop: Following True Parents (Hod Ben-Zvi -
April 4, 2017 pdf)
The IAPP inaugural assembly at the
Israeli Knesset in Jerusalem (Koriel Ben-Zvi - June 21, 2017
50 gather for Peace Road 2017 in
Haifa, Israel (Hod Ben-Zvi - August 12, 2017 pdf)
Children from Israel, San Marino
Build Friendships Through Soccer (Hod Ben-Zvi and Giorgio
Gasperoni - September 4, 2017 pdf)
UPF Israel Introduces IAPP
Palestine in Ramallah, on the West Bank (Hod Ben-Zvi -
December 16, 2017 pdf)
IAYSP National Chapter Launched in
Israel (Hod Ben-Zvi - January 29, 2018 pdf)
IAPP Jerusalem, Israel Knesset
roundtable on the role of Israeli Arab community (Hod Ben-Zvi
- July 10, 2018 pdf)
Cheon Bo Special Event - Israel
November 2019 - 3 Day MEPI Tour in the Holy Land (Hod Ben-Zvi
- August 1, 2019 pdf)
MEPI Tour Cheon Bo Event - Israel
11/11-17/11/2019 - Slide Show and Tentative Program (Hod
Ben-Zvi - October 5, 2019 pdf)
The First Israeli Family Festival
2020 celebrating True Parents' Centenary (Hod Ben-Zvi -
January 24, 2020 pdf)
Family Festival to celebrate True
Parents' Centenary in Daliat El Carmel, Israel (Hod Ben-Zvi -
January 24, 2020 pdf)
Israel Weekly News - February 23 -
29, 2020 (Hod Ben-Zvi - February 29, 2020 pdf)
UPF Jerusalem, Israel's interfaith
forum held during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot (Adi Sasaki and
Luke Weiler Hill - October 7, 2020 pdf)
The Official Launching of the
Heavenly Parents Holy Community In Israel - Slides (Hod
Ben-Zvi - December 30, 2020 pdf)
UPF Jerusalem, Israel's webinar on
the Abraham Accords with world leaders (Hod Ben-Zvi - January
14, 2021 pdf)
UPF Jerusalem, Israel's Rally of
Hope recognizes COVID pandemic responders (Hod Ben-Zvi - March
21, 2021 9pdf)
UPF Vienna, Austria -
International Summit Council for Peace (Koriel Ben-Zvi - April
29, 2021 pdf)
Personnel Changes in Heavenly
Europe (Marion Bernegger, Raitis Caune, Yuriy Gavrilin, Heiner
Handschin, Hannu Hassinen, Liel Weiler Hill, Nobuhiro Igarashi,
Tibor Krebsz, Lars Neergaard, Binod Paudel, Alexei Saveliev,
Radomir Stantchev, Josef Svacina, Janis Vjaters, Walter Waldhausl,
Yoshihiro Yamazaki, Klimesne Bakonyi Zsuzsanna and Hod Ben Zvi)
(Young Ho Yoon - August 21, 2021 pdf)
Bridging the Gulf Youth Program:
For Palestinian and Israeli Children (David Fraser-Harris and
Hod Ben-Zvi - August 28, 2021 pdf)
Announcing the Hyo Jeong Europe
and Middle East Missionary Program (Nicole and Michael La
Hogue, Vicky Ben Zvi, Martine Masner and Bogdan and Yoshiko Pammer
- February 19, 2022 pdf)
Liel & Luke Weiler Hill
replace Hod & Mitsuko Ben-Zvi as Israel National Leaders
(Liel and Luke Weiler Hill - August 3, 2022 pdf)
UPF-Israel: Interfaith Group in
Israel Affirms Shared Commitment to Peace (Hod Ben-Zvi -
August 31, 2024 pdf)
FFWPU Europe and the Middle East:
Foundations 2024 - Season 4 (Michael Balcomb - October 12,
2024 pdf)
UPF Jerusalem, Israel: Interfaith
Group in Israel Persists in Quest for Peace (Hod Ben-Zvi -
October 21, 2024 pdf)
UPF Israel: The 13th Conference of
Heads of Religions in Israel held in Jerusalem (Hod Ben-Zvi -
December 12, 2024 pdf)