The Words of the Angelucci Family

 Table of Contents

Our Mission (Marilyn Angelucci - Feb 22, 2005)

Peace Education in Afghanistan (Marilyn Angelucci - September 2007)

Working together and empower women! IRFF Peace Microfinance Program in Afghanistan (Umberto Angelucci - January 6, 2008 pdf)

Volunteers for Afghanistan (Umberto and Marilyn Angelucci - January 5, 2011)

International Peace Leadership College in the Philippines (Interview of Marilyn Angelucci - February 2012)

Fourth Graduating Class at IPLC (Marilyn Angelucci - April 11, 2012)

120 days' Workshop 5th Batch graduation and information for the new 6th batch of 120 days' Workshop (Umberto Angelucci - September 23, 2012)

An Exciting time to live and a great opportunity in the Philippines (Umberto and Marilyn Angelucci - December 6, 2012)

Please help Filipino students going to True Mother's Academy (Marilyn Angelucci - January 24, 2014 pdf)

Let Us Lighten True Mother's Burden (Umberto and Marilyn Angelucci - May 2015 pdf)

Peace Road 2015 in Turkey (Umberto Angelucci - July 19, 2015 pdf)

Seminar in cooperation with Middle East Region in Rome, Italy (Umberto Angelucci - November 1, 2015 pdf)

Strengthening the Ambassadors for Peace foundation in the Middle East (Umberto Angelucci - November 1, 2015 pdf)

The Substantial True Mother of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (Umberto Angelucci - May 2016 pdf)

Middle East Ambassadors for Peace Meet in Rome (Umberto Angelucci - July 14, 2016 pdf)

Middle East Ambassadors for Peace Attend Peace Principles Seminar in Rome (Umberto Angelucci - July 14, 2016 pdf)

UPF conference on Syria: Soft Power Approaches to Peace in Cyprus (Umberto Angelucci - December 19, 2016 pdf)

UPF Middle East Conference on Syria - True Parents' Perspective (Umberto Angelucci - December 19, 2016 pdf)

Special Assembly of Middle East Leaders - Reviving the Middle East (Umberto Angelucci - April 19, 2017 pdf)

Leadership Training Seminar Middle East (Umberto Angelucci - October 20, 2017 pdf)

True Children's Day 2017 in the North Carolina Family Church (Joshua and Homare Angelucci - November 18, 2017 pdf)

Sudan's Peace Road 2017 was held in Omdurman (Umberto Angelucci - November 30, 2017 pdf)

UPF and the Lebanese Parliament Co-Hosted IAPP Lebanon's Launch in Beirut (Umberto Angelucci - December 14, 2017 pdf)

YSP Pakistan was successful launched in Islamabad, Pakistan (Umberto Angelucci - January 25, 2018 pdf)

Blessing Event - Istanbul, Turkey (Umberto Angelucci - February 11, 2018 pdf)

21-Day Training for Middle East Youth Envoy Volunteers in Istanbul Turkey (Umberto Angelucci - April 7, 2018 pdf)

WFWP Jordan Shifts Its Focus to Serving Youth and Children (Umberto Angelucci - April 23, 2018 pdf)

Bye Bye party for the Middle East Youth Envoys (Umberto Angelucci - May 11,2018 pdf)

Peace Starts with the Middle East summer workshop took place in Shile, Turkey (Umberto Angelucci - July 27, 2018 pdf)

Approaching the Muslim World with True Parents' Thought (Marilyn Angelucci - August 2018 pdf)

Approaching the Muslim World with True Parents’ Thought (Marilyn Angelucci - September 17, 2018 pdf)

IAPP Inaugurated Morocco in the Parliament of the Kingdom of Morocco in Rabat (Umberto Angelucci - November 7, 2018 pdf)

UPF delegation at the first World Tolerance Summit Dubai, United Arab Emirates (Umberto Angelucci - November 18, 2015 pdf)

21 Day Workshop for Middle East Youth Envoys, Istanbul, Turkey (Umberto Angelucci - May 9, 2019 pdf)

Middle East Family Festival for Peace GoFundMe page (Marilyn Angelucci - May 17, 2019 pdf)

Support the Unification movement Middle East and their Family Festival for Peace (Marilyn Angelucci - June 7, 2019 pdf)

Restructuring of Heavenly Europe and Reassignment of Personnel: Umberto Angelucci, Giuseppe Cali, Jack Corley, David Hanna, Jean Francois Moulinet, Dieter Schmidt and Hugo Veracx (Young Ho Yoon - June 20, 2019 pdf)

Three Day Hyo Jeong Youth Leadership Workshop - Istanbul, Turkey (Marilyn Angelucci - September 8, 2019 pdf)

Middle East members' Divine Principle and True Parent's Life Course workshop (Marilyn Angelucci - September 8, 2019 pdf)

Job Opportunity: Seeking Pastor for Triangle Family Church in Durham, NC (Josh Angelucci - January 16, 2020 pdf)

The Impact of the Coronavirus on our Region, Europe and the Middle East (Umberto and Marilyn Angelucci - May 2020 pdf)

Great News from the Middle East - Middle East June Report (Umberto Angelucci - July 11, 2020 pdf)

WFWP Middle East Webinar Women's Role in the Future of the Middle East (Umberto Angelucci - August 11, 2020 pdf)

Register Now for the Role of Women in Shaping the Future of the Middle East (Marilyn Angelucci - August 24, 2020 pdf)

FFWPU Sudan: Arabic Divine Principle Lectures in YouTube (Abdelmoumin Ibrahim Ahmed - August 31, 2020 pdf)

Middle East Region Monthly Report for October 2020 - Slides (Umberto Angelucci - October 31, 2020 pdf)

Middle East Hyo Jeong Forum - Explore and Experience the Middle East (Umberto Angelucci - November 28, 2020 pdf)

WFWP Middle East's virtual celebration of UN International Women's Day (Marilyn Angelucci - March 5, 2021 pdf)

WFWP Middle East Celebrates the UN International Women's Day (Zoe Bennett - March 10, 2021 pdf)

WFWP UN Geneva, Vienna and Middle East: WFWP Youth Peace Conference 2021 (Marilyn Angelucci - April 8, 2021 pdf)

FFWPU, UPF, WFWP and HJ Youth Middle East Activities April 13 - 20 – Slides (Umberto Angelucci - April 21, 2021 pdf)

FFWPU Europe and Middle East - Middle East HPHC Monthly Report - June 2021 (Umberto Angelucci - July 3, 2021 pdf)

Middle East HPHC Monthly Report July 2021 - Slides (Umberto Angelucci - July 31, 2021 pdf)

WFWP Chad's 3-Day Seminar on Character Education - Youth and Leadership (Letecia Cueme - August 14, 2021 pdf)

FFWPU Europe and Middle East: Donate to help our family in Afghanistan (A. Ulfat - August 25, 2021 pdf)

Bridging The Gulf - Proposal for hosting a Palestinian - Israeli youth delegation in the United Arab Emirates - Pamphlet (Umberto Angelucci - August 27, 2021 pdf)

Bridging the Gulf Youth Program: For Palestinian and Israeli Children (David Fraser-Harris and Hod Ben-Zvi - August 28, 2021 pdf)

Middle East HPHC Monthly Report August 2021- Slides (Umberto Angelucci - August 31, 2021 pdf)

WFWP Middle East Rally Of Hope: Initiatives For Peace (Zoe Bennett - September 15, 2021 pdf)

IAPP Morocco: Mr. Rachid Talbi El Alami elected Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco (Umberto Angelucci - October 9, 2021 pdf)

UPF IAACP Middle East Webinar: The Role of Culture and Art in Peacebuilding (Umberto Angelucci - November 25, 2021 pdf)

WFWP Middle East: 26th Women's Conference For Peace In The Middle East (Emily Ekshian - December 1, 2021 pdf)

Middle East HPHC Monthly Report - December 2021 - Slides (Umberto Angelucci - January 8, 2022 pdf)

FFWPU Turkey Appreciation Ceremony for Mr. and Mrs. Yoshihiro Yamazaki and Inauguration Ceremony of National President of FFWPU Turkey, Mr. and Mrs. Binod Paudel (Umberto Angelucci - January 13, 2022 pdf)

FFWPU EUME: Middle East HPHC Monthly Report for January 2022 (Umberto Angelucci - February 5, 2022 pdf)

Middle East HPHC Monthly Report March 2022 - Slides (Umberto Angelucci - April 2, 2022 pdf)

Testimony About Mobilizing The Spiritual World: Desperate Prayer Moves Heaven (Umberto Angelucci - May 20, 2022 pdf)

HPHC Middle East Monthly Report - July 2022 (Umberto Angelucci - August 6, 2022 pdf)

Testimony: HJ Cheon Won Evening Prayer Vigil at Cheon Shim Won for 21 Days (Marilyn Angelucci - September 2022 pdf)

HPHC Middle East Monthly Report August 2022 (Umberto Angelucci - September 3, 2022 pdf)

Invitation to attend the Middle East Hyo Jeong Forum, starting on October 8th (Umberto Angelucci - September 29, 2022 pdf)

HPHC Middle East - September 2022 (Umberto Angelucci - September 30, 2022 pdf)

WFWP International opens Afghan Cultural Center and Library in New Delhi, India (Marilyn K. Angelucci - October 18, 2022 pdf)

Join us for the Second Session of the Middle-East HyoJeong Forum! (Umberto Angelucci - November 5, 2022 pdf)

HPHC Middle East October 2022 - Slides (Umberto Angelucci - November 5, 2022 pdf)

HPHC Middle East Monthly Report for December 2022 - Slides (Umberto Angelucci - January 7, 2023 pdf)

HPHC Middle East Monthly Report for February 2023 - Slides (Umberto Angelucci - March 4, 2023 pdf)

HPHC Middle East Monthly Report March 2023 - Slides (Umberto Angelucci - April 8, 2023 pdf)

HPHC Middle East Monthly Report for May 2023 (Umberto Angelucci - June 3, 2023 pdf)

Heavenly Europe and Middle East, Middle East Report, Analysis, Goals - Camberg, Germany (Umberto and Marilyn Angelucci - June 18, 2023 pdf)

HPHC Middle East Monthly Report - June 2023 - Slides (Umberto Angelucci - July 3, 2023 pdf)

HPHC Middle East - Monthly Report July 2023 - Slides (Umberto Angelucci - August 5, 2023 pdf)

HPHC Middle East Monthly Report - August 2023 - Slides (Umberto Angelucci - August 25, 2023 pdf)

HPHC Middle East Monthly Report - September 2023 - Slides (Umberto Angelucci - September 27, 2023 pdf)

HPHC Middle East Monthly Report - February 2024 - Slides (Umberto Angelucci - February 29, 2024 pdf)

HPHC Middle East Monthly Report - March 2024 - Slides (Umberto Angelucci - March 30, 2024 pdf)

True Father the Messiah at the Second Coming who Inherited the Mission of Jesus (Umberto Angelucci - April 18, 2024 pdf)

Shehaqua Family News - News - May 3, 2024 (Yeol-Shim Bell-Miller, Sunhyun Miller, Kester Wilkening and Josh Angelucci - May 3, 2024 pdf)

HPHC Middle East Monthly Report - April 2024 - Slides (Umberto Angelucci - May 11, 2024 pdf)

HPHC Middle East Monthly Report May 2024 (Umberto Angelucci - June 1, 2024 pdf)

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