YOUTH: Harnessing the Idealism and Energy of Youth Is Essential for World Peace
Collegiate Association for the Research of the Principle (World CARP)

Often CARP members attending a university live in a common house fostering a warm culture of community and learning to get along with others.
Service for Peace (SFP)

One project in Washington, D.C, won the President’s Gold Student Service Awards, signed by George W. Bush, in recognition of their summer of service in which 364 student volunteers worked alongside public schools officials to clean and prepare schools for the coming year and, according to the Washington Post, saved the District of Columbia over $400,000 in labor costs. Rallies of 20,000 and 22,000 young people in Japan and the Phillipines respectively resulted in hundreds of service projects in those nations.
Founder Hyun Jin Moon says that "Service For Peace is the visible expression of true love, and service is central to our identity."

Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon at FFWP convention in Tokyo Japan
The three levels of YFWP programs are professional leadership training, family education and intercultural service projects. Harnessing the idealism and energy of youth is essential for building world peace. YFWP sponsors educational programs and service projects that promote character development, family values and an ethic of public service. National chapters and international activities encourage youth to transcend barriers of nationality, religion, race, culture and gender as preparation to be contributing members of a globalized society.
Special YFWP Accomplishment:
Helping to make unity between the divided Koreas a reality, YFWP has held numerous predecent-breaking peace seminars bringing together students of North and South Korea in Beijing.
In Korea YFWP has 100,000 registered members in 273 urban districts and 3200 villages; in Japan thousands of members carry out seminars on youth themes and service projects; and in the United
States a think tank is developing new ideas and programs to help make today's youth truly the hope of the future.