National Harp Report - Italy
(Tokuwa Kanno and Andrea Valgoi - June 2003)
Junior I Report (Mikka Kanno -
January 2004)
Senior HARP French Workshop,
26th-31st December 2003, San Marino (Tokuwa Kanno - March
Junior HARP Workshop, Christmas
2003 (Mikka Kanno - March 2004)
Reflections from the European
Leaders Meeting 2005 - Rome, Italy - Second Generation Members
(Tokuwa Kanno - February 24-27, 2005)
HARP April News (Mika Kanno -
April 2005)
Report for HDH with True Parents
(Tokuwa Kanno - October 25, 20005)
HARP Report Italy (Mika Kanno -
January 2006)
W-CARP International Events In The
Philippines (Keimi Kanno - August 28, 2006)
STF is looking for 2nd Gen Group
Leaders (Kemi Kanno - June 17, 2010)
Rev. Moon marries thousands in mass
wedding (Mika Kanno and Chris Moloney - October 10, 2010)
Sending the less privileged to
school (Tokuwa Kanno - October 12, 2010)
Our First Cosmic Interreligious
Blessing for Peace in Milan, Italy (Shirley Kanno - January
28, 2018 pdf)
Our Milan, Italy Community
Establishes Its First Home Group (Shirley Kanno - February 11,
2018 pdf)
We held our Fifth Annual Barbeque at
our home in Voghera, Italy (Shirley Kanno - August 15, 2019