
Sun Myung Moon, FFWPU and the Unification Church in their own words

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Unificationist Books Page

100 Sermons Outlines (Jim Stephens)

1920 The Birth of a Messiah - Jon Quinn - August 2008 pdf

3-Hour Manual: Exposition of the Divine Principle, Part 1 of 3 - Philippine Unification Church - 2000

3-Hour Manual: Exposition of the Divine Principle, Part 2 of 3 - Philippine Unification Church - 2000

3-Hour Manual: Exposition of the Divine Principle, Part 3 of 3 - Philippine Unification Church - 2000

Updated 3-Hour Manual: Exposition of the Divine Principle, Part 1 of 2 (Philippine Unification Church - August 15, 2020 pdf)

Updated 3-Hour Manual: Exposition of the Divine Principle, Part 2 of 2 (Philippine Unification Church - August 15, 2020 pdf)

40 days Joy Giving campaign - Hoon Dok Hae - Matthew Huish - 2017 - 2018

40 Years in America - Historical text by Michael Mickler

430 Tribal Messiahship National Leadership Conference Slide Presentations - Michael Balcomb - April 12-15, 2016 - Las Vegas, NV USA

A brief history of the Unification Church in Europe (Circa 2015 pdf)

A Commentary on the Book of Matthew - 3rd Edition - James A. Borer - September 13, 2018 pdf

A History Of The Unification Church In America, 1959–74 - Emergence of a National Movement, by Michael L. Mickler

A History Of The Unification Church In Canada 1965-1991 - Updated (Franco Famularo - May 1994 pdf)

A History of the Unification Church in Canada: 1965-1991 by Franco Famularo

A New Revelation for Mormons at Christ's Second Advent: Divine Principle, True Parents & the Completed Testament Age, by Bret Aaron Moss

A Testimony to God's Word in Regard to Divine Principle - Gil Ja Sa Eu - June 20, 2012 pdf

An Introduction to Life and Teaching of Sun Myung Moon

An Introduction to the Thought of Sun Myung Moon: Unification Thought and V.O.C. Theory - 2003

An Introduction to Theology - Young Oon Kim - 1983

As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen - 8 Session Book-Based Study Guide for Small Groups - Jack LaValley - July 17, 2010 pdf

A Time for Consideration - A Scholarly Appraisal of the Unification Church (Edited by M. Darrol Bryant and Herbert W. Richardson - 1978 pdf)

BAFC (Bay Area Family Church) Songbook [Guitar Chords and Melody] - August 10, 2007

Beloveds, Forever Together: Letters of Eternal Love - Dietrich F. Seidel and Elisabeth M. Seidel - Edited by Jennifer P. Tanabe - 2017 pdf

BFD EUME 2019 Matching and Blessing Preparation Handbook for Parents and Candidates - December 2021 Update - Orlande Schenk - November 28, 2021 pdf

Bodyguard for Christ - Gerhard Peemoeller - May 18, 2010

Building A Principled Family Life - A Study in Seven Sessions for Small Groups (Henri Schauffler February 2001 pdf)

Building A World Of True Love - An Introduction to the Divine Principle

CARP Song Book (Includes All Holy Songs)

CAUSA Lecture Manual

CAUSA Worldview (Draft Edition) Circa 1984

Celebrating 25 Years - The Washington Family Church - William Selig - December 4, 2002 pdf

Comparison of the Contents of Korean Divine Principle Books: Wolli Kangron (1966); Wolli Haesul (1957) and Wolli Wonbon (1952) - (pdf)

Chung Pyung Introduction - Gi Seong Lee- April 13, 2018

Chung Pyung Essentials - Gi Seong Lee- April 13, 2018

Chung Pyung Ongoing Workshops - Gi Seong Lee- April 20, 2018

Cheon Il Guk Constitution (February 27, 2014 pdf)

Church on Sand - D. Michael Hentrich - March 3, 2020 pdf

Circles of Angles - Nora M. Spurgin

Colorado Family Church New Member Education and Internal Guidance Manual Part I - Alice Fleisher - August 2, 2018 pdf

Colorado Family Church New Member Education and Internal Guidance Manual Part II - Alice Fleisher - December 18, 2018 pdf

Colorado Family Church New Member Education and Internal Guidance Teacher Training - Accompanying paper - Alice Fleisher - May 11, 2019 pdf

Communism, a New Critique and Counterproposal; Questions and Answers

Completed Testament Pastoral Counseling - How to solve the problems of our mind and emotions (Yuji Otomo - August 18, 2012 pdf)

Cultivating Heart and Character - Educating for Life's Most Essential Goals - Tony Devine, Joon Ho Seuk and Andrew Wilson - 2000

Creating a World of Peace - The Thought and Works of Sun Myung Moon by Joon Ho Seuk

Devoted: Preparing for Adult Life and the Marriage Blessing - Small Group Curriculum - Crescentia DeGoede - October 31, 2018

Divine Principle 1973 (Black Book)

Divine Principle and Its Application - Young Oon Kim (Red Book-1969)

Divine Principle in Plain Language - Jon Quinn - November 22, 2013 pdf

Divine Principle Lectures from the 120 Day Workshop - Ken Sudo

Divine Principle Level 4 – 1980 with diagrams pdf

Divine Principle Level 4

Divine Principle Four Hour Lecture

Divine Principle Six Hour Lecture

Divine Principle Two Hour Lecture

Divine Principle Seminar for Clergy Workbook – 2003 - New York; New Jersey; Chicago, Illinois; Los Angeles California; Washington, DC; Virginia; Maryland

Do Proteins Teleport in an RNA World - Richard Llewellyn Lewis - April 4, 2013 pdf

Educating for True Love - Explaining Sun Myung Moon’s Thought on Morality, Family and Society (Joon Ho Seuk and the International Educational Foundation - 2006 pdf)

Entry into the CheonBo Won Hall of Honor Evaluation Manual - Gi Seong Lee - June 8, 2020 (pdf)

Essays Toward A Principled Economics - Mose Drust

Essentials of Unification Thought - The Head-Wing Thought

Essentials of the Unification Principle - Teachings of Sun Myung Moon -  Thomas Cromwell

Eternal Life in the Spirit World - Dietrich F. Seidel and Jennifer P. Tanabe - January 22, 2017 pdf

Events Commemorating the Centenary and 60th Holy Wedding Anniversary of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind - Young Ho Yoon - February 8, 2020 (pdf)

Exposition of the Divine Principle (1996 pdf)

Exposition of the Divine Principle (1996)

Exposition of the Divine Principle - Hyo Won Eu - Reprinted 2006 in color

Exposition of the Divine Principle Diagramed Lecture Manual for One Hour Lectures - The House Of Unification For World Peace - January 27, 2012 (pdf)

Faith and Life by Yo Han Lee

Family, Church, Community, Kingdom - Tyler Hendricks

Family Matching Handbook - Philip Schanker - August 30, 2010 pdf

Family Matching Handbook - Philip Schanker - 2011 pdf

Father's Course and Our Life of Faith, 21 talks by Won Pil Kim

FFWPU USA BFM: Completing the Change of Blood Lineage - 91 Pages of Slides and Documents - Yun-A Johnson - April 21, 2020 pdf

Filial Attendance: The Way of Filial Piety of Holy Sons and Daughters of God - Elio Roman

First Ladies Summit Report - Inauguration of the International Association of First Ladies for Peace - Hoon Sook (Julia) Moon - February 5, 2020 (pdf)

Fishing with Our Father - Gerhard Peemoeller - 2012

First Generation Matching Handbook - Draft Edition - Phillip Schanker and Marjorie Buessing - June 22, 2011 pdf

Following the Messiah - Experiences with Sun Myung Moon - If the Messiah was on earth today would you follow him? - Patricia Iversen - August 14, 2014 (pdf)

From Evolution Theory to a New Creation Theory -- Errors in Darwinism and a Proposal from Unification Thought (Under the Supervision of Sang Hun Lee)

From God the Father to God the Parent - Johannes Stampf - March 8, 2024 pdf

God And Science In Unification Thought - Richard L. Lewis - October 1, 2022 (pdf)

God's Providence Until the Year 2020 - True Father's Holy Ascension - Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day - Three Key Strategies: 1. Witnessing (Tribal Messiahs and Strategic Nations) - 2. Creating the Environment (World Summit, ISCP, SunHak Peace Prize, IAPP, IAPD, WFWP, ICUS, HJ Academy of Arts and Sciences - 3. Raising Capable People for the Future - 4. Revolution of the Culture of Heart in the Arts - 5. HJ Cheonwon Project - 6. Establishment of Heavenly Nations, Heavenly Regions and a Heavenly World - FFWPU International Headquarters website - Young Ho Yoon - December 28, 2019 (pdf)

Guidance for Heavenly Tradition, Book 3, by Rev. Young Whi Kim

Guide-Book of the Second Generation Blessing (January 21, 2014 pdf)

Guide to the Seunghwa & Won Jeon Ceremonies - Prepared by the Seunghwa Committee of Washington, D.C. (William Selig - 2000 pdf)

Guidelines for the Registration Blessing Ceremony - Significance, Qualifications, Holy Wine Ceremony, Indemnity Stick Ceremony, 40-day separation period, etc. - FFWPU International Headquarters website - Young Ho Yoon - December 28, 2019 (pdf)

Hanging Out At The New Yorker Hotel - Draft - Joseph Kinney - July 21, 2017 (pdf)

Heaven Down to Earth - Words of Spiritual Guidance by Paul Werner

History of the Unification Movement in Poland - 1974-2014 - Christoph Kral - March 28, 2019 pdf

History of the Unification Movement in the United Kingdom - 1965-2014 - February 23, 2021

HJ Cheon Won - Chung Pyung Providence - Gi Seong Lee - July 2017 pdf

Holy Marriage Blessing History from 1960 to August 27, 2018 - FFWPU International Headquarters website - Young Ho Yoon - December 28, 2019 (pdf)

Hoon Dok for Children - Sun Jo Hwang - March 2001

How I Ran Off to Sea and Became a Moonie - Dagmar Corales - 2003

Hyo Jung Curriculum: Four Family Loves: A Curriculum for Building Good Character and Loving Families - November 28, 2018 - December 3, 2017

"I Am In This Place" - Testimonies About Jesus and Sun Myung Moon
(Clark Eberly - 2006 pdf)

Ideology and Foreign Policy - An Interview with Neil Albert Salonen (The Freedom Leadership Foundation - Circa 1979 pdf

In Harmony With the Eternal - Words of Spiritual Guidance - Paul Werner – February 1986

Individual Preparation for His Coming Kingdom, by Sang Chul (David) Kim

Insights Into The Afterlife 30 Questions And Answers On What To Expect, by Nora M. Spurgin

Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity, and Universal Value - A Compilation of Academic Explorations - Edited and Published Thomas Selover - November 2021 pdf

Internal Guidance for Advanced Lectures - Joon Ho Seuk pdf

Introduction to the Divine Principle from Exposition of the Divine Principle - Hyo Won Eu (December 2013 pdf)

Introduction to the new revelation of God to Sun Myung Moon - Part 2: Our Life in Two Worlds (October 2014 pdf)

Introduction to the new revelation of God to Sun Myung Moon - Part 3: Why Does Evil Exist (October 2014 pdf)

Introduction to The Principle - An Islamic Perspective - 1980

Introduction to Unification Thought - Sang Hun Lee - 1973

Jacob Generation Matching Handbook - Draft Edition - Phillip Schanker and Marjorie Buessing - June 22, 2011 pdf

Life and Eternity - Why the hereafter begins here on earth... and our life on earth finds fulfilment in the hereafter - Johannes Stampf - 2014 (pdf)

Life of the Second Generation - Let’s Become Loved By God by Chung Pyung Staff

List of original Unification Church 1975 missionaries and their nations - Chung Hwan Kwak - Circa May 1975 pdf

Living For Others - Won Pil Kim - May 4 - 8, 1987 - Camberg, Germany - Booklet - Curated by Antonio Ciacciarelli (pdf)

Look and Tell Creation and Love - Children's book (0 - 5 years) - Hak Ja Han Story and Sun Myung Moon Story - 2019 (pdf)

Lovin' Life Membership Class - November 11, 2010

Lovin' Life Ministries Class 101 - A Heart For God - What Is My Spiritual Style? slide show - January 16, 2011 pdf

Lovin' Life Ministries Class 101 - A Heart For God - What Is My Spiritual Style? Facilitator Script - January 16, 2011 pdf

Lovin' Life Ministries Class 101 - A Heart For God - What Is My Spiritual Style? Spiritual Styles Survey - January 16, 2011 pdf

Lovin' Life Ministries DP Masters Course - Study Guide - December 2010 pdf

Lovin' Life Ministries DP Masters Course - Leader Guide - December 2010 pdf

Lovin’ Life Ministries OSDP Package for Home and Church Use - Introduction - Tyler Hendricks - July 31, 2012

Lovin' Life Ministries Satellite Service Training Manual - May 23, 2010

Lovin' Life Ministries Starting Point - Workbook - July 2011 pdf

Lovin' Life Ministries Starting Point - Your GPS 4 Life - Facilitator's Guide - July 2011 pdf

Lovin' Life Ministries Starting Point - Facilitator's Tips - July 2011 pdf

Lovin' Life Ministries Vision Part 1 - January 2011 pdf

Lovin' Life Ministries Vision Part 1 Presenters Script - January 2011 pdf

Lovin' Life Ministries Vision Part 2 slide show - January 2011 pdf

Lucifer a Criminal Against Humanity - Young Soon Kim Channeling Sang Hun Lee

Matching and Blessing Preparation Handbook for Parents and Candidates - BFD EUME 2019 - Orlande Schenk - November 28, 2019 (pdf)

Messiah - My Testimony to Rev. Sun Myung Moon - Bo Hi Pak

Messiah - My Testimony to Rev. Sun Myung Moon Volume II - Bo Hi Pak

Mohammad in the Dispensation for Restoration - John Doroski - 1976 - Kuwait

More Than Marriage - Love as God Intended - December 2016 (pdf)

My journey in Life - A Student Textbook for Developing Loving Relationships (Joon Ho Seuk - 2002)

My journey in Life - A Student Textbook for Character Education (Joon Ho Seuk - 2002)

My Life of Faith: A Memoir by Therese M. Stewart - Edited by Jennifer P. Tanabe - 2021 (pdf)

New Essentials Of Unification Thought - Head-Wing Thought - Sung-Bae Jin  2006 pdf

New Truth In The Last Days - My 36 Years in the Unification Church - Shirley Stadelhofer 2006 (pdf)

New World - The Ancestor Liberation

Outline of the Principle Level 4 - 1980 with diagrams pdf

Patriarchy - Jon Quinn - February 2009 pdf

Personal Testimony of Rev. Paul Werner - May 1985 pdf

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land - Mission of Peace and Reconciliation - May 12-May 19, 2003 - Participant Booklet - Chang Shik Yang, Michael Jenkins and G. A Stallings - May 12, 2003 (pdf)

Practical Plan for World Peace - Unificationism — The Teachings of Sun Myung Moon - Jon Quinn - November 8, 2013 pdf

Prayer - Training for Opening Up to God (In Hoi Lee - 2001 pdf)

Principles of Education Volume 1 - Sang Ik Choi - 1969

Principles of Education Volume 2 - Sang Ik Choi - 1970

Providence of Restoration Centered on True Parents Level 3 - Masayuki Kachi - July 2018 pdf

Psyche and Spirit- Paul Werner

PWPAI: Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity, and Universal Value - A Compilation of Academic Explorations (Edited by Thomas Selover - November 2021 pdf)

Raising Children of Peace - edited by Farley and Betsy Jones

Reconciled by the Light – The After-Death Letters From A Teen Suicide - A True Story - Ron Pappalardo - 2009

Reflections on Unification Theology Revealing the World of Heart - Dietrich F. Seidel and Jennifer P. Tanabe - December 2020 pdf

Responsibility and Freedom - John Doroski - 2013

Rune Rofke - Glenn Emery - 2009

Searching for Life's True Purpose - Perspectives on Morality and Ethics - Joon Ho Seuk - 2001

Spiritual Guidance for Daily Life - Sermons by Dietrich F. Seidel - August 2018 pdf

St. Augustine's Confessions from the Spiritual World - Young Soon Kim

Stories of My Life: The Search for True Love - Elisabeth M. Seidel - May 2019 pdf

Stories to Nourish the Heart - Elisabeth M. Seidel - December 11, 2021 pdf

Sun Myung Moon, the Early Years, 1920-53 - Michael Breen

Sun Myung Moon: the Man and his Ideal - Paik Chull, Lee Hang Nyong, Sheen Doh Sung, Yoon Se Won - 1981

Sun Myung Moon witnessing booklet - July 1973 pdf

Tapping the Unlimited Reservoir - Paul Werner - July 1986

The Believers' Responsibility - A Populist Approach To Church Growth - Tyler Hendricks (pdf)

The Bible - King James Version

The Bible - Revised Standard Version

The Blessed Couple Foundation Course - The perfect easy-to-use 40-Day Separation and 3-Day Ceremony Guide for Heavenly Tribal Messiah Blessings - Tyler Hendricks - April 3, 2019 pdf

The Blood-Stained Voice - Sharing God's Heart in a Christian World - Kevin McCarthy

The Chung Pyung Providence and the Way of Blessed Family

The Divine Principle - 1956 - Young Woon [Oon] Kim

The Divine Principle 1973 (Black Book)

The Divine Principle Home Study Course

The Divine Principle Study Guide - Part 1 - Young Whi Kim - May 1, 1973 pdf

The Divine Principle Study Guide - Part 2 - Young Whi Kim - February 16, 1975 pdf

The Divine Principle Study Guide - Model Questions and Answers - Young Whi Kim - 1975 pdf

The Divine Principles (1960) Young Oon Kim

The Early Unification Church History - 1959 – 1965 - Galen Pumphrey - 2004 pdf

The End Of Communism - Sang Hun Lee - June 1985 - Curated by Gerry Servito pdf

The Exposition of the Divine Principle - Diagrammed Lecture Manual for Two-Hour Lecture (April 2013 pdf)

The Eye of a Needle - My Life of Faith Henry Masters - 2011

The Foot Steps Of True Parents' Providence In Canada - FFWPU Canada - February 22, 2013 (pdf)

The Healing of the World - June 4, 2009

The Ideal Family to Be or Not to Be: Testimonies of a Life of Faith - A Biography of David S.C. Kim - Jennifer P. Tanabe – 2010 pdf

The Ideal World Envisioned by True Parents: A Compilation of True Parent's Words - Audry Themen and Hannah Lewis - March 12, 2021 (pdf)

The Fountain of Life - by Zin Moon Kim

The Life and Thought of True Parents in the United States - Workbook - SunHak UP Graduate University, Fall Term, 2021 - Draft - Tyler Hendricks - December 16, 2021 pdf

The Life and Thought of True Parents in the United States - Week 13-15: Speeches - Tyler Hendricks - December 16, 2021 pdf

The Living Code - A New Look at the Bible - Young Oon Kim - December 25, 2003 pdf

The Ocean Providence - The First Twenty Years - 1994 (pdf)

The Path to Happiness - Divine Principle Lecture Series - 40 Lectures with Slides and Scripts - Son, Dae Oh, Author; Kayoung Sarah Kim, Translator; Tyler Hendricks, English Editor and Power Point Designer – 2014

The Tradition Book One - by Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak

The Traditions Book - A Guidebook for a Life of Attendance for Blessed Families - Cheon Il Guk Edition - Yun-A Johnson - June 23, 2020 pdf

The Traditions of a Blessed Life - Guidebook for a Life of Attendance for Blessed Families - Crescentia DeGoede - March 21, 2019 pdf

The Unity of the Sciences in Unification Thought - Volume Three - Life, Mind And Spirit - Richard Llewellyn Lewis - November 18, 2013 pdf

The Victory Of Love With Heung Jin Nim (Moon) - Compiled by Zin Moon Kim

The Virgin and The Priest: The Making of The Messiah - Mark Gibbs

The Unfinished History - The expulsion of fourteen students from Ewha Womans University - Sang Hee Kim - Translated by Jin Seung Eu - March 9, 2018 pdf

The Universal Self-Evident Truth - A Study of the Ideal Person and the World - Sang Ik Choi - November 25, 2019 pdf

The Words of David S.C. Kim: Let Us Learn from the Past - Edited by Jennifer P. Tanabe - November 2009

The Stories of Rev. Ken Sudo - Edited and arranged by Lynn Musgrave Criner - November 5, 2019 pdf

The Stories of Rev. Ken Sudo - Edited and arranged by Lynn Musgrave Criner - January 30, 2020 pdf

The Unification Church Movement - Michael L. Mickler - November 2022 pdf

Theory of Victory over Communism - Study Guide - Advanced Course - Written / compiled in 1974 by Michael Herbers - this April 2023 version 'transcribed' by John Brady and edited by the author (pdf)

Three Odd Couples in Classical Science - Richard Llewellyn Lewis - September 19, 2018 pdf

To Bigotry, No Sanction, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church by Mose Durst

Tribute - Reflections from the Early Years – 2011 (Edited by: Doug Burton)

True Family Values - by Joong Hyun Pak and Andrew Wilson

True Family Values Third Edition - Joong Hyun Pak and Andrew Wilson - 2006

True Love and Fallen Love - by Jesus Gonzales Losada

True Love Divine Principle Study Program - Andrew Compton - July 14, 2019 (pdf)

True Parents' Life Course - Masayuki Kachi - March 15, 2018

True Parents Life Course - Sunhak Institute of History - March 14, 2022

True Parents' Life Course Webtoon - Sunhak Institute of History

True Master Plan Series – Kevin McCarthy

True Parents' Words on Parenting - FFWPU USA BFM - Crescentia DeGoede - March 29, 2018 (pdf)

Truth is My Sword, Volume 1 - by Bo Hi Pak

Truth is My Sword, Volume 2 - by Bo Hi Pak

Two Paths To Peace - Robert S. Kittel 2009 pdf)

Unification Church Holy Grounds made by True Father in America in 1965 - Map and some details - 2012 (pdf)

Unification Insights into Marriage and Family: The Writings of Dietrich F. Seidel - Edited by Jennifer P. Tanabe - 2016 pdf

Unification Theology - by Young Oon Kim

Unification Theology and Christian Thought – Young Oon Kim 1976

Unification Thought - by Sang Hun Lee

Unification Thought Study Guide

Unified Science Volume 1: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry - Richard Llewellyn Lewis - April 4, 2013 pdf

Universal Peace Federation - Asian Leadership Conference - April 20 - 23, 2018 - Bangkok, Thailand

Unknown But Known - by Aurthur Ford (Excerpts)

Unificationist Matching Handbook (Phillip Schanker - October 23, 2013 - Unofficial Draft version pdf)

Way More Good News (D. Michael Hentrich - May 3, 2020 pdf)

Winds of Change - The Unification Movement In The Former Soviet Union And Mongolia 1990 to 2000 - Dust jacket signed by Sun Myung Moon (Curated by Robert Beebe pdf)

Winds of Change - The Unification Movement in the Former Soviet Union and Mongolia 1990 - 2000 - Joon Ho Seuk (Curated by Robert Beebe pdf)

World Religions 1 - Living Religions of the Middle East - Young Oon Kim - 1976

World Religions 2 - India's Religious Quest - Young Oon Kim - 1976

World Religions 3 - Faiths of the Far East - Young Oon Kim - 1976

World Scripture - A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts - Editor, Andrew Wilson

World Scripture II - World Scripture and the Teachings of Sun Myung Moon Book 2 - Andrew Wilson - 2007 pdf

World Summit 2020 KINTEX, Seoul, South Korea - Official Detailed Brochure - February 5, 2020 (pdf)

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