What are the differences between
Britain and continental Europe? (William Haines - 1991 pdf)
Midrash and the Principle
(William Haines - September 24, 2009)
The Wedding That Never Was
(William Haines - February 11, 2010)
Korea and Great Britain
(William Haines - February 16, 2010)
And That's Not All (William
Haines - March 13, 2010)
Britain and the World Wars
(William Haines - March 16, 2010)
Is this our Galileo moment?
(William Haines - April 27, 2010)
Responding to a nego (William
Haines - April 30, 2010)
Legacy of Peace Event in London
(Robert Haines - June 7, 2010)
How did Abraham discover God?
(William Haines - December 7, 2010)
How did Abraham change his lineage?
(William Haines - December 13, 2010)
Some seed lands on fertile soil
(William Haines - December 23, 2010)
Who is my neighbor? (William
Haines - February 1, 2011)
Who did Cain marry? (William
Haines - March 16, 2011)
Rising Tide on sale (Robert
Haines - March 25, 2011)
Britain and Korea in the providence
(William Haines - April 2011 pdf)
Reflecting on the meaning of
obedience (William Haines - June 6, 2011)
Spontaneous Order and
Unificationism (William Haines - September 2011 pdf)
Darwinism, Evolution and
Intelligent Design (William Haines, Derek Dey, Jonathan Wells,
Colin Turfus, Dominic and James Powell - December 8, 2011 pdf)
Darwinism, Evolution and
Intelligent Design Continued (William Haines - December 17.
2011 pdf)
Religious Freedom: Religious
Minorities, Majorities and the State (William Haines - June
18, 2012 pdf)
On Demonisation (William Haines
- October 20, 2012)
So what is it you actually do?
(Robert Haines - November 9, 2012)
Won Hwa Do and Mixed Martial Arts
(MMA) Workshop (Robert Haines - November 12, 2012)
Women of Tomorrow -- In Her Shoes
(C. Haines - November 12, 2012)
Survival kit for 2013 – Tools
for everyday living (Robert Haines - November 13, 2012)
A Unification Church 2nd Gen
looking for peace of mind provides an honest answer (William
Haines - November 17, 2012)
Synonyms: parentage, derivation,
genealogy, tribe, clan (Robert Haines - November 27, 2012 pdf)
SCOOP – Mixed Martial Arts
Workshop (C. Haines - December 5, 2012)
Faith in everyday life? What does
that even mean? (Robert Haines - December 9, 2012 pdf)
Friday Night’s Speech
(Robert Haines - December 17, 2012 pdf)
European Blessing Preparation
Workshop (Robert Haines - December 24, 2012 pdf)
Religious Education (William
Haines - January 8, 2013 pdf)
Why I eat pork but don’t
drink booze (Robert Haines - January 21, 2013 pdf)
Brothers Easter CARP Workshop
(Robert Haines - February 28, 2013 pdf)
Foundation Day has passed and we
are still here! (Robert Haines - March 1, 2013 pdf)
K-CARP put the fun in Foundation
Day (Robert Haines - March 1, 2013 pdf)
Number of Blessed Children in the
UK - Lies, damned lies, and statistics (Robert Haines - March
19, 2013 pdf)
Prayer for Youth from True Mother
(C. Haines - March 30, 2013 pdf)
Youth Ministry AGM Reports and
Minutes (C. Haines - April 1, 2013)
Our church needs a revival (C.
Haines - May 24, 2013 pdf)
DONE Mission 1 Israel Project
Report (C. Haines - May 24, 2013 pdf)
Youth Seminar in Newcastle upon
Tyne, UK (Robert and C. Haines - June 8 - 9, 2013 pdf)
W-CARP Japan Project 2013
(Robert Haines - August 14, 2013 pdf)
Stagnation Leads to Death
(Robert Haines - August 18, 2013)
Matching Info Day – 19th Oct
in Lancaster Gate (Robert Haines - October 1, 2013 pdf)
Desire – Life is worship.
Words are prayer (Robert Haines - December 6, 2013 pdf)
Who owns Cheon Il Guk? (William
S.H. Haines - March 29, 2014 pdf)
Reading our lives through the
Principle (William Haines - March 20, 2016 pdf)
Five-day in-depth study of Genesis
families at Cleeve House with William Haines (Matthew Huish -
January 6, 2017 pdf)
Divine Principle WS: Life, the
Universe & Everything (William Haines - July 20, 2017 pdf)
District Level-Divine Principle
Workshop Sponsored by VA, DC & MD FFED Churches (William
Haines - January 11, 2018 pdf)
A lesson from history: Who will rid
me of this turbulent priest? - Hyung Jin Moon (William Haines
- March 17, 2018 pdf)
What is the 'rod of iron'?
(William Haines - March 22, 2018 pdf)
Reading life through the Principle,
Cleeve House 2nd – 8th September 2018 (William Haines -
June 21, 2018 pdf)
Mind the Gap Weekend Retreat:
Between Unificationist Ideals and Realities(William Haines -
October 30, 2018 pdf)
The second Cranes Club Education
Conference will take place Livingstone House (William Haines -
February 12, 2019 pdf)
Cranes Club invites you to attend
the Education Conference, 19-21 April 2019 (William Haines,
Barbara Stacey, Christabel Haines - March 27, 2019 pdf)
Reading Life Through the Principle:
Peace and Reconciliation - 23-28 June 2019 (William Haines -
April 15, 2019 pdf)
Some ethical considerations around
HyoJeong CheonBo ancestor liberation (William Haines - May 1,
2019 pdf)
Reading Life Through the Principle:
Peace and Reconciliation, 23-28 June 2019 (William Haines -
May 17, 2019 pdf)
Noted Lecturer William Haines:
Divine Principle as Taught to Christians - Tonight (Jim
Boothby - January 17, 2020 pdf)
Joining the Dots - Free Online
Workshop with Mr. William Haines (Michael Balcomb - May 21,
2020 pdf)
Paradigms - Online Zoom Workshop
for 18 - 25 year old's with William Haines (Michael Balcomb -
September 25, 2020 pdf)
Free Online Workshop with William
Haines: Moses and the Israelites Leadership and Community
(Michael Balcomb - October 16, 2020 pdf)
FFWPU UK: From Joshua to Jesus -
Free Online Workshop with William Haines (Michael Balcomb -
November 11, 2020 pdf)
Good Governance - Zoom Workshop -
Free Online Workshop with William Haines (Michael Balcomb -
December 13, 2020 pdf)
FFWPU UK: Tracing God's Providence
After Jesus's Ascension with William Haines (Michael Balcomb -
January 11, 2021 pdf)
FFWPU UK 7-Day Divine Principle
Online Workshop with William Haines (Michael Balcomb - April
25, 2021 pdf)
FFWPU UK free online workshop with
William Haines: God's Providence After The Fall Of The Berlin Wall
(Michael Balcomb - March 1, 2022 pdf)
FFWPU UK: Introducing Our North Of
Thames Pastor: William Haines (Michael Balcomb - July 13, 2022
FFWPU UK: William Haines 1-Day
Divine Principle Introductory Seminar At Lancaster Gate
(Michael Balcomb - August 2, 2022 pdf)
FFWPU UK: William Haines - Applying
Genesis Stories To Life And Relationships (Michael Balcomb -
January 17, 2023 pdf)
FFWPU UK: William Haines' Wisdoms:
From Joshua To Jesus (Michael Balcomb - February 14, 2023 pdf)
FFWPU UK: William Haines's Wisdoms
From Jesus To The Renaissance (Michael Balcomb - March 14,
2023 pdf)
FFWPU UK: William Haines - God's
Providence After The Fall Of The Berlin Wall (Michael Balcomb
- April 18, 2023 pdf)
FFWPU UK: William's Wisdoms: Good
Governance (Michael Balcomb - May 31, 2023 pdf)
Higher Purpose Forum: Perspectives
on the Crisis in Gaza - Drissa Kone, William Haines and Andrew
Wilson (James Edgerly - November 13, 2023 pdf)