Moving Closer to the Founder's
Ideal (James Baughman - December 1983)
ICUS Forms New Planning Board --
Based on an Interview with James Baughman (Leslie Holliday -
August 1985)
Where's ICUS Going?
(Interview with James Baughman - December 1, 1985)
ICUS Progresses - Interview with
James Baughman (Victoria Clevenger - November 26-29, 1987)
Taking Care of My God (James
Baughman - June 26, 1988)
Tradition in Canaan (James
Baughman - February 12, 1989)
Our Dispensational Time
(James A. Baughman - April 1, 1989)
Use of the words "Unificationist"
and "Moonie" (James A. Baughman - June 1989)
Where Am I? (Chart – circa
A God's Day Gift to Heavenly
Father (James A. Baughman - January 1, 1990)
Day of All Things (James
Baughman - May 24, 1990)
Unification Church President,
James Baughman, attends Blessed Children's Olympics (Laura
Nabetani - September 1990)
The Homecoming of True Parents
(James A. Baughman, December 3, 1991)
STF Testimony (Jimi
Baughman - 2001)
An Open Letter To Parents
- A Testimony of the Special Task Force (STF) Experience (Jimi
Baughman - June, 2001)
Cultivating Character seminar
with James Baughman in Germany (Catriona Valenta - June 1,
2013 pdf)
FFWPU Scotland's Weekend Seminar
with lectures by James A. Baughman (Matthew Huish - September
28, 2018 pdf)
Cultivating Character Becoming
People of Character workshop in Glasgow (James A. Baughman -
January 14, 2019 pdf)
Scotland invites you to attend
the Cultivating Character Seminar, 18-19 May 2019 (James A.
Baughman - March 27, 2019 pdf)