We are at a point entering into the next 100 years of Steering Korea.Together we support Korean government’s effort in building a unified nation where everyone lives in peace and prosperity World Summit 2020 Organizing Committee

Agendas to Achieve Peace on the Korean Peninsula

  • Division of the Korean Peninsula caused by a war among World Powers
  • The discussions of reunification of the Korean Peninsula delayed by voices of the national self-interest
  • Intensified international relations causing difficulties in establishing the Korean Reunification Policies

Overcoming obstacles through support and reinforcement of the international cooperation, created by deeper and broader diplomatic relations

Building a “Strong and Peaceful Korean Peninsula” of prosperity and peace by reinforcing diplomacy to a higher level with the foundation of different fields, such as politics, economy, culture and military

Plans to Achieve Peace on the Korean Peninsula

It is time to conduct a deeper and broader diplomacy to build the Korean Peninsula of peace and prosperity.
  • Industrialization
  • Democratization
  • Military Responsibility
Strong Diplomacy on a World Level

Conducting Deeper and Broader International Relations
Reinforcing International Network
Expanding International Support and Cooperation

Formation of East Asian Railroad Community
Hosting 2032 South-North Korea Olympics

Korean Peninsula With Peace and Prosperity

A New Order of Peace-Driven Economy for the Korean Peninsula Innovative & Inclusive Nation