International Association of First Ladies for Peace General Assembly
Theme: "Towards a First Ladies Initiative: Creating a Culture of Peace”
Building upon the successful regional launching of the “Asia Pacific First Ladies Summit 2019” in Palau in December 2019, a High-Level Assembly of First Ladies on the theme, “Towards a First Ladies Initiative: Creating a Culture of Peace”, a platform for First Ladies to network among themselves and with women leaders of all sectors for the development of innovative projects that focus on strengthening the role of women leaders in global problem solving and peacebuilding. This Session is hosted by Madam. Debbie Remengesau, First Lady of Palau and the Women’s Federation for World Peace International (WFWPI), with the support of the Summit’s host, the Universal Peace Federation (UPF).
Launching the International Association of First Ladies for Peace As participants in the Asia Pacific First Ladies Summit – 2019 held in Koror, Palau from December 9-12, 2019, jointly co-hosted by the First Lady and the Office of the President of the Republic of Palau, the Universal Peace Federation, and the Women’s Federation for World Peace International with a focus on the theme “Addressing the Critical Challenges of Our Time: Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity and Universal Values,” we affirm the unique and essential role that women leaders are called to play in bringing about a world of lasting peace.
We sincerely appreciate the complete and unreserved support of the First Lady and Office of the President of the Republic of Palau, H.E. Debbie Remengesau and H.E. “Tommy” Remengesau Jr., along with the Government and people of the Republic of Palau for jointly co-hosting this historic Summit. We applaud with deepest gratitude and respect the leadership of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, and her late husband, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, their vision, and their sacrifice over many decades to create a world that is interdependent, mutually prosperous and based on universally shared values of “One Family Under God.”
We seek a world in which people of all nationalities, ethnicities, races, cultures, and worldviews live together in mutual respect, harmony and cooperation. Throughout human history, women and mothers have not only played a central role in supporting their husbands and nurturing and raising their children to be virtuous citizens, they have also been decisive contributors to reconciliation, peace-building, reconstruction and development in the wider society and world.
A woman’s motherly nature, her empathy toward the vulnerable, her preference to work in consensus, her natural bridge-building instinct, her commitment to peace and to defending social justice, and her consideration for the roles of nurturing and healing are but a few of many essential character traits needed to bring harmony and reconciliation in a wounded world.
At these unsettled times, when loneliness, conflicts, and humanitarian crises affect masses, it is vital that we are reminded of the significance of a balanced approach to problem-solving where the ethical leadership of men and women working together harmoniously and fully committed to the development of all people, has never been more critical to sustainable peace and development.
We propose that women leaders from all national, racial and religious backgrounds and all sectors of society unite in solidarity through the merits of volunteerism, public-minded dedication, and faith. That they take on the challenge to overcome extreme selfishness, moral decline, family breakdown and social disorder that is faced at this time.
Encouraged by the commitment and compassion of women leaders here at the First Ladies Summit in Koror, Palau, a new partnership and grassroots movement will be launched. This initiative is being taken by the leaders of governments, civil society and the private sector, for the sake of providing a life of dignity for all people and a world of lasting peace. On this, the 10th Day of December, in the year 2019,
the participants of the
Asia Pacific First Ladies Summit 2019
held in Koror, Palau, do unanimously endorse the
proposal to establish an association, known provisionally as the,
International Association of First Ladies for Peace.