Our hope is to unveil those worthy of praise for their sincere efforts to help others and improve the world; and to encourage them to share the light of hope to all the peoples of the world who pray for world peace.

The Sunhak Peace Prize was founded by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the wife of the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon. This award reflects her profound hope of continuing the legacy left by her husband, who lived his life with the spirit of “having the heart of a parent, in the body of a servant, shedding sweat for the earth, tears for humankind and blood for heaven,” dedicating his entire life toward realizing world peace, prosperity and coexistence, where humankind thrives as “One Family Under God.”
The peaceful world envisioned by humankind can only be built upon an all-encompassing foundation where peace among nations exists politically, militarily and religiously, and is realized by protecting family values, the sanctity of marriage, and the value of filial piety through the maturity of human character. Reconciliation, coexistence and cooperation between diverse groups of people, representing differing social values and interests, as well as preservation and good management of the environment, are all key ingredients for the world of peace envisioned by Rev. and Mrs. Moon.
Indeed, peace is the highest and ultimate value and desire that has been sought ceaselessly by humankind throughout history. This noble ideal demands the dedication and sacrifice of many righteous and capable individuals. Through founding the Sunhak Peace Prize, we wish to recognize individuals, who have willingly sacrificed themselves for peace, and praise them for their works, thereby lighting the beacon of hope that will shine upon each and every person on earth who yearns for world peace.
The award ceremony for the Sunhak Peace Prize is held biennially in Seoul, Korea, in order to honor, inherit and perpetuate the grand legacy of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

Our Vision of Peace

One Family Under God The Sunhak Peace Prize was established in order to help resolve worldwide suffering, conflict, poverty and threats to the environment, by promoting a comprehensive, future-oriented vision of peace. Sustainable peace in the 21st century can only be accomplished by resolving the tensions and conflicts we find across the world This can be done by developing a global culture of mutual respect and cooperation. Based on the Founders vision of One Family Under God, the Sunhak Peace Prize encourages all people to dedicate themselves to peace, choosing dialogue and cooperation over conflict and competition.
The Sunhak Peace Prize honors individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to peace and human development, conflict resolution and restoration of balance in the relationship between humanity and the natural environment.

Our Mission
Sustainable Human Development
Solving the problems of poverty, disease and ignorance, and respecting the human rights and dignity of every human being
Poverty ReliefDisease EradicationEducation and Welfare
Conflict Resolution
Peacefully resolving conflicts between people of differing religions, races and nationalities.
Resolution of Disputes Religious Harmony Peace Among Nations
Ecological Conservation
Finding solutions to climate change and the depletion of natural resources in order to create a sustainable balance between the natural and human worlds.
Climate Change Prevention Biodiversity Energy Innovation