The Family Festival and Family Blessing Ceremony
The Family Festival and Family Blessing Ceremony is a festival for the realization of the vision “One Family Under God,” promoted by Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon throughout their lives, and it is the greatest legacy that they have bequeathed to the humanity. Starting with the first Blessing Ceremony, where three couples received the Blessing, people with various backgrounds from all levels and fields of society have been participating the Blessing Ceremony since then, transcending barriers between religions, races, and cultures and deeply moved by Rev. and Mrs. Moon’s peace vision.
The Family Festival and Family Blessing Ceremony is becoming a universal peace movement throughout the world, which is a movement that restores the history of conflicts and divisions through the movement, centered on the peace vision and based on the principle of True Love. This movement strives to restore the humanity based on the ideals of loving my neighbour, nation, and the world, and produce families that practice the ideal of “Living for the Sake of Others,” humanity that lights a peaceful world with happiness. This year’s Blessing Ceremony will be held as an interfaith Blessing Ceremony, where 30,000 heaven’s sons and daughters will gather to vow to create happy families to form healthy societies and achieve a world of freedom, equality, peace and happiness.